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looking for more metal music to listen to \m/

Posted by xX_harloww_Xx


Forum: Music

i mainly listen to stuff like lamb of god, opeth, a7x, meshuggah, eyehategod, slayer, gojira-- wondering if there are any good recs out there :) 

i listen to all metal so if you have any suggestions for bands/albums/songs that would be greatly appreciated!!! 

thank you in advance XD 

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Reply by Sage:)


Aquefrigide, Acid bath, Agora, Bloodbath, Exhumed, Onslaught, Colonnelli, Soreption, Thy art is murder (especially their infinite death album), Vader, Aborted, Noothgrush are all pretty good! 

You’ve probably heard of a lot of these since most of them are pretty popular but they’re all good bands of different sub genres!

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Reply by Solas26


There's tons of good records out there 

Cryptopsy -None So Vile
Suffocation -Pierced From Within
Immolation- Failures For Gods
Cradle of Filth- Midian
Dimmu Borgir- Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia 
 list goes on and on 

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Reply by xX.I.lost.reality.Xx


Harvested for unconventional death metal and Ethereal Tomb for Doom Metal :)))

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Reply by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Metalhead_11


I don't have a lot of darker subgenres just probably cuz my brain will follow them into the abyss and the abyss and I are not friends, but Omnislash (youtube) are really just getting started, relatively speaking.  Two killer albums and a new one dropping soon, probably sometime next year. They helped fill a Hammerfall show, and Baltimore loves them.   

Arcanon (youtube) only has some songs out but I believe in them and I know they're going to have a great discography in no time!  Also, shenanigans!

A Sound of Thunder aren't actively playing anymore because their drummer retired, but if they find another as good as he was they'll be back!  Less goofiness more nerdiness, kickass chick singer on a MISSION. 

And regionally, Aether Realm (youtube) I saw once and was impressed with how tight together they were and all, missed getting their patch though. Next time. 

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Reply by Forsarek Slayer of Glerbo



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