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Snail buddy applications

Posted by lilly


Forum: Pets and Animals

i have snails,burn,whiplash and smoove move(names are from turbo)who wants to be snail buddys:)

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Reply by r4wr1ms4r4h


yesss yessss my freind has cute snailes named melvin and bobby 

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These are my Giant (not yet) African Land Snails ️ 

Their names are Wally, Jordan and Moxie 

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Reply by Enchiin


I also love snail farming, my father used to have 2 snail ponds slope io I really like it.

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Reply by Christy


Pet snails can indeed be fascinating companions! If you're considering getting a pet snail, here are some general guidelines to keep in mind:

Species Selection: Choose a species suitable for captivity. Common pet snail species include garden snails (Cornu aspersum), Roman snails (Helix pomatia), and giant African land snails (Achatina spp.). Ensure that the species you choose is legal to keep in your area, as some species may be considered invasive in certain regions.

  1. Housing: Provide an appropriate enclosure for your snail. This can be a glass tank or a plastic container with a secure lid to prevent escapes. Make sure the enclosure has good ventilation and is spacious enough for your snail to move around comfortably.

  2. Substrate: Use a substrate that retains moisture well, such as coconut coir or potting soil. Keep the substrate moist, but not waterlogged, to maintain proper humidity levels.

  3. Temperature and Humidity: Most pet snails prefer temperatures between 68-77°F (20-25°C) and high humidity levels (around 70-80%). You may need to use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels in the enclosure, and a small heat mat can be used to provide gentle warmth if needed.

  4. Diet: Snails are herbivores and enjoy a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. Offer a variety of foods such as lettuce, cucumber, carrot, and apple. Make sure to wash and cut the food into small, manageable pieces to prevent choking hazards.

  5. Water: Provide a shallow dish of clean, non-chlorinated water for your snail to drink from. You can also mist the enclosure with water to help maintain humidity levels.

  6. Handling: Snails are delicate creatures and can be easily injured if handled improperly. It's best to limit handling to minimize stress on the snail. If you do need to handle your snail, make sure your hands are clean and moist to prevent damaging their delicate skin.

  7. Observation: Take time to observe and interact with your snail. They have interesting behaviors and can be quite entertaining to watch as they explore their environment.

Remember to do thorough research on the specific species of snail you plan to keep to ensure you can provide the best possible care for your new pet. Enjoy your snail buddy!

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