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Posted by jamie


Forum: Sports

I miss bouldering and it'll be at least a month and a half til I can go again, so, any fellow climbing-wall-missers here?

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Reply by ty8s


Hi there, 

I see it’s been longer than 1.5 months so I hope you’re back on the walls/boulders! I just started climbing regularly again for the first time since the pandemic, and it feels good to be back. Anyway, happy climbing! 

All the best,


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Reply by Chalkless


Big climbing fan here! Congrats on being the only climbing topic on here, I guess :P

I mostly do top roping and sport climbing, but I did participate in a bouldering comp recently. It was lots of fun, and I plan to go again next year!

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Reply by may


i tend to climb on walls when im bored but my landlord told me to stop doing that cause its lowering the rent

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Reply by Lasot


since I moved out I cant find any place to climb and its driving me crazy. My dad is saying that I would get bored sooner or later but I honestly doubt it. How do you cope with that?

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