Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. I'm walking in March for Babies because I want to do something about this. And March of Dimes was a great asset to our journey through the NICU with baby Lily.
Lily was born at 26 weeks weighing in at 2lbs 2oz on Nov 29th 2020 and was discharged Feb 17th 2021 a healthy growing baby weighing 7lbs 2oz.
On top of all the different resources March of Dimes employs to help us understand and overcome that difficult situation, the little things they did especially during the holiday season really made each day something positive to look forward to on our way to the hospital each day.
Sometimes these were in the form of self care reminders like a bag of popcorn and a Christmas movie suggestion list to ease our worries. Other times it was in the form of a trinket like a 1st Christmas ornament you weren't expecting to need.
I would like to walk each year so show our gratitude to March of Dimes and help them to further support families in their NICU journeys.
Please consider donating to show your support with me by being a sponsor!
Friends and family have already donated over 500$ towards my current 1000$ goal in just 3 days.
I have over 400 friends on here and I just know with your help I can reach that 1000$ goal.