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Hollow Knight!

This game has so much to it, so I feel like there are so many things to talk about. For now we can start simple and let it all go from there. 

What made you realize you loved Hollow Knight for the first time?

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9 Replies

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Reply by steb•wash


Yo, when posting ur topic make sure u select the proper forum to post it to.  Looks like u meant to post this to the Games forum but ended up posting it to the Art and Photography forum because that's the first one on the list in the drop down box.  I made this goof as well when I made my first couple topics so I'm just tryna look out for my fellow Spaceheyers!  It's confusing because if ur already in the forum you're trying to post in, you still have to select the proper forum when actually making ur topic.

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Reply by NinjaKat2


hollow spaghetti

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Reply by Spiral


Hollow Knight helped me survive quarantine in 2020 and SOMEHOW managed to help me with my crippling fear of insects. I mean, I'm still largely afraid of them, but it has gotten better after I played the game.

It has a really neat, simple art style that I appreciate and I like drawing little HK-esque creatures, like moths and stuff. 10/10 game!

P.S. Silksong has officially received an age rating in Russia and South Korea, so this implies that there is a functioning prototype of the full game out there, somewhere, just out of reach to us. Maybe we'll get to play it this year... Maybe.

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Reply by swordmaster05


Probably the game duration, and I like playing Metroid style games

Plus, my friends told me the game was cool, so I bought it

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Reply by ...GH(o)ST...


My old bsf was super into it,  but I never had the means to play so I kinda skipped its heyday. Years later, I learned to sail the high seas and played it, before promptly dying of peak. Unfortunately we aren't friends anymore, so we cant talk about it together anymore. bigsad but ohwell. 

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Reply by shrimpfredo


Making it into the ruined city, going down that elevator for the first time... feeling the rain hitting the glass as i gently rolled down to the first floor... it was peaceful. it was beautiful. a game i spent my own money on and played through without guides, to get to a point so far in the game.. met with peace..

that was the moment i realized that i love hollow knight.

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Reply by BrainEaterXD


i was lured into the game by its beautiful graphics and reputation of being a difficult game, and those things along with the amazing story and difficult but fun gameplay are what earned it a special place in my heart

also yea i think you posted this in the wrong forum

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Reply by shower thing


def the mechanics and progression mechanics! i love how progression in the game unlocks new movement methods which in turn unlock new areas and so on. its so satisfying retracing your steps and finding previously inaccessible areas that are now open thanks to a new item :)

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Reply by Niko0508


Great job on this article. It’s very clear and concise. Solar

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