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Did your local record store survive the lockdown?

Posted by dolphinbrain


Forum: Music

Did your local record store survive? Drop the name and city if it did,

 drop an RIP if it didn't. Here in the City of Riverside CA, we lost one of our oldest MAD PLATTER. RIP 

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Reply by dolphinbrain


Awesome been to all those glad they are still around. 

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Reply by Jen


Thankfully my local store, Everyday Music, is still up and running.

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Reply by Cashlin


Last Vestige in Albany NY is doing good and they repainted their storefront a few times. I think the history of their store was buying up vinyl as it declined in the 90s so I guess I expected them to do fine through something like this. Really cool place if you're ever visiting that city. I guess the most common situation would be if you live in NYC and have family upstate, I say check em out 

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