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Some favorite podcasts right now

Posted by KLCY


Forum: Podcast

I usually tend to listen to educational podcasts because I like learning about things - science, politics, pop culture, nature, history, criminal & social justice, etc. Here's a few of the shows I really like:

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Reply by bongwaterdrinker


i'm quite a fan of Generation Why myself (true crime podcast) 

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Reply by seam


these r cool im gonna give em all a listen thankx!

i personally like any combo of eerie/magical+magical realism/queer themes/thought provoking things

some im currently listening to:

Sawbones - funny medical history
Lore - ooo spooky folklore
The Allusionist - 4 word nerdz
Random Tape - found footagey feeling of random tapes
Philosophize This - tho(ugh)ts only 
The California Report Magazine - stories from california (where i am!)

some audio dramas that i particularly enjoy:

Old Gods of Appalachia - some eldritch inspiration with a cool narrative backbone
The Far Meridian - exploring sad places with an mc dealing w relatable mental health issues
Marvel's Wolverine - richard armitage! and a nice spooky wolverine story
Alice Isn't Dead - mc looks for her wife alice who probably isn't dead

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Reply by eva 🛹


Omg forums! Any AFE heads on here? Also everyone should listen to Reply All, it's about the weird corners of the internet, like this place!

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Reply by Lily


great suggestions, I’ll check some of those out! I love reply all, ologies, and decoder ring too : ) 

here are a bunch that i really like that haven't been mentioned yet! i got a bit lazy with the descriptions

learn things

  • you're wrong about (journalism, history, funny) (I think OP would like this one)
  • new books network (interviews with academics, various subjects/channels to subscribe to)
  • critical value (urban studies/planning/policy)
  • edge effects (environmental and cultural change)
  • hidden brain (psychology)
  • 99% invisible (design, cities)
  • hot & bothered (climate change)
  • revisionist history (malcolm gladwell)


  • canadaland
  • today, explained
  • jacobin radio
  • pod save the people
  • reveal
  • throughline

pop culture/music/sound

  • keep it!
  • the read
  • switched on pop
  • twenty thousand hertz

in spanish

  • las raras
  • el hilo
  • radio abulante
  • el destape (lots of good ones on posta)

people telling their stories?

  • ear hustle (incarcerated people)
  • over the road (truckers)
  • heavyweight
  • the moth


  • sleep with me (for trouble sleeping)
  • swindled (mostly con-men and white collar crime)
  • american hysteria (crazes, cults, fads, through american history)
  • bodies (each ep highlights an individual's medical case/story)
  • dope labs (science and pop culture)

(edited for formatting) 

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Reply by Rufus Hergel


My favourite Podcast is "Gemischtes Hack". Listen to it, you will enjoy it!

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Reply by Blunt Farce


I like a lot of history podcasts, both big picture and obscure, so I'm a fan of:

> Dan Carlin's Hardcore History 
> Rum, Rebels & Ratbags

and also design & 'story' podcasts like:

> 99% Invisible
> The Memory Palace

and also singular strangeness like:

> Imaginary Advice
> Welcome to Nightvale

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Reply by umbrykane


I like Serial chillers podcast. They are a podcast that talks about notorious serial killers, and they have a pretty cool gameshow aspect to each episode too

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Reply by Kimberly Garcia


Rotten Mango (true crime podcast)

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Reply by sele


leyendas legendarias, tho it is in spanish

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Reply by Åndi [Hobbit]


I've actually never listened to podcasts, so I'll start here. Thanks for the recommendations y'all!

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Reply by aShLė¥ 🌸


Up and Vanished is a good podcast 

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Reply by Plum Jam


The Story Must Be Told, The Last Podcast on the Left, Ear Biscuits, Page 7, and The Wizard & the Bruiser are my faves. I listen to a junk ton more, tho. Podcasts are p much my life hahahah

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Reply by 🕸Jen🕸


Small Town Murder (@murder small on IG)

Crime in Sports (even if you don’t like sports it’s interesting hearing about athletes just fall to rock bottom when they had it all)
PS I hate this movie (they rip apart rom coms and as someone who was forced to watch them with friends I appreciate a realistic view into an unrealistic expectations)

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Reply by Jo


My current favorite is crime junkie!

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Reply by SednaWoo


I second SawBones - I haven't listened to it but I've heard it's really good.

This American Life - can be heard on Saturday mornings on NPR and was sort of a podcast before podcasts were a thing

Snap Judgment - see above

Snape Judgment Spooked - people recounting ghost stories and they are so so so good!

Oh No! Ross and Carrie - a skeptical duo look into spirituality, fringe science, and the paranormal.  They don't just talk about it, they take part in it and that sometimes means joining cults so it's a really rad listen.

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Reply by 𝖙𝖔𝖒𝖇𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖞


I never have the time for podcasts anymore but I used to love: Faculty of Horror, Lore, Cults, and Death in the Afternoon 

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Reply by tessatarian


I love ReplyAll! It’s such a fun show to listen to.

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Reply by Elxliee


lights out podcast >> for true crime / paranormal

mile higher podcast >> true crime / conspiracy theories 

crime junkie >> true crime  

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Reply by carldaddy


Joe Rogan
Art of Manliness
Steven Mansfield - Great Man Podcast
Laracasts Snippet

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Reply by XxpaigerawrxX


The Dollop. They are a history podcast, but they make even the most serious topics hilarious. I'd recommend the episode about The Ugly Laws.

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Reply by UniQueLyEviL


Hear To Slay

Adventures in New America 

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Reply by Siobhán


The worst idea of all time: Two kiwis watch shit movies for a time period, usually once a week for 52 weeks! Recommend Season 2 the most.

Not a podcast but the YT series Goosedrunks can be listened to like a podcast and it's so dumb I love it. Slapping high fives with the bois

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Reply by Gigi Nightmare


The So Weird Podcast. I honestly love it because it talks about my favorite childhood show called So Weird. They literally talk and break down each episode. I honestly love it! 

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Reply by Gigi Nightmare


The So Weird Podcast. I honestly love it because it talks about my favorite childhood show called So Weird. They literally talk and break down each episode. I honestly love it! 

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Reply by KLCY


omg I love So Weird!!!! I'll have to check that out 

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Reply by Sarah


I'd definitely recommend Cum Town, My Brother, My Brother and Me, Chapo Trap House, or Red Scare if you like comedic podcasts.

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Reply by EthernetBoy2004


Russel Brand Show Or Ricky Gervais Show

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Reply by a s o v t h


The MORTIFIED PODCAST is my absolute FAVORITE. It features adults who read their childhood diaries in front of an audience of strangers. Its poignant, hilarious and has a super nostalgic feel. 

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Reply by Tina Daniels


This Planet Needs A Name, Arden Podcast, Moonbase Theta Out, The Devil Hates Mondays.💕

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Reply by Tina Daniels


I wish we could quote reply — I see someone said The Far Meridian. yes! 

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Reply by J@cki3


So far I've been listing to a lot of History Chicks and Help Me Be Me. I usually listen to self-help stuff, I have others I listen to but can't remember at the moment.

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Reply by Cierra Mo


Small Town Murder and Doughboys!

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Reply by Destiny (:


This whole thing is a winner! Thanks for sharing.

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Reply by samantha *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


im only listening to a couple at the moment, but i absoutely loveeee comedy podcasts :))

frenemies - ethan klein (h3h3) and youtuber trisha paytas

the bro show - lucas cruikshank (literally fred figglehorn from old youtube) and his hilarious brother jacob

call her daddy - funny podcast run by alex cooper where she talks about dating n stuff

sorry these are just a few but they're great!!!

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Reply by Gr33nmoth


There’s one that I listen to that’s pretty local to where I live near metro Atlanta. It’s called That Unfourtunate Podcast and it’s really good. Focuses on pop culture and politics. I’m also on an episode!! 

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Reply by Leslee


Scared to Death (spoopy)

Timesuck (interesting history, crimes) 
Are seriously addicting.   

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Reply by Freakish Uproar


Boston's Favorite Son: An amazing comedy podcast starring Jim Sterling, Conrad Zimmerman and the titular "son" Jonathan Holmes, mutual acquaintance of Jim and Conrad. It started off as a ridiculous attempt to reignite Jonathan's dubious celebrity career, due to him once being a reality TV star in the early 90's. The series quickly descended into a cesspit of unbridled scactological sexuality (usually aimed at Jonathan), intentionally terrible celebrity impressions, vicious mockery of right-wingers, billionaires and conservatives, and far too many of Jim's Willem Dafoe movie pitches to recount. I'm tempted to start a BFS quote thread, it's that amazing.  

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Reply by Katie


I love reply all!! 99% invisible is probably my favourite podcast ever. No such thing as a fish is really good too!

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Reply by Matt Kelly


My top tier podcasts are definitely:

Reply All
All Fantasy Everything
Flop House
You Must Remember This
91 Donkey Lane

Also I produce 4 shows and am obviously a fan of those haha

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Reply by cigel


your moms house and crime junkies are both great podcasts

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Reply by Jonathan


Show go check out my show! Erratic Chatter, its random questions/topics that we just discuss! Starting to have guests join the show for round table discussions as well!!! 

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Reply by AngelAcidd™


Morbid Podcast- True Crime

No Sleep Podcast- Spoopy Stories

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Reply by geekout


The Antifada - left and ultra-left comedy talkshow. They sometimes get into theory.

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Reply by Cashlin


Long time listener of the Duncan Trussell family hour podcast, used to listen to kevin smith's smodcast a whole lot as a teenager 

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Reply by Shaun


My coworker has us listen to Scam Goddess at work each week and I really dig it.

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Reply by That1Dude Aly


If you like comedy and nerdy things like video games, anime, dc, marvel, and star wars. I strongly suggest thins podcast. 

It is done by a super close friend of mine <3 
this is sigma duocast <3
please everybody give them a chance :)  


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Reply by kate


i like gee thanks by Georgia Productions

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Reply by Death Cab for Lukie


If you're after a good laugh then my biggest recommendation is My Dad Wrote a Porno.

Just imagine finding out that one of your parents wrote erotic literature and sold it on the internet.  That's just what happened to the host of this podcast, so he and two friends decided to start a podcast and read a chapter aloud every week. 

Its made me laugh so so much, his poor dad's grasp of the human anatomy is so poor I feel sorry for his mother. Yet strangely you get sucked into the story of Belinda and her life working as a saucy pots and pans saleswoman. 

It's definitely not safe for work (unless you have your earphones in) but if you need a good laugh, this might be the podcast for you. 

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Reply by 𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖝


My J-School friends do a podcast called Big Shiny Takes that roasts the absolute worst of the worst Canadian newspaper columns.

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