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Is that known when we will be able to share our layouts again?

4 Replies

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


The feature seems completely available, as far as I can tell. Maybe it was a server error?

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Reply by Crematia18


Oof. That stinks.  I assume creator of site didn't have a stable plan for the site going viral.  We'll probably see a lot of initial hiccups, tweaks,  and outages.  Hopefully it can pull through the new member flooding! Great potential here!

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Reply by Melrose


I'd recommend posting them in blogs as code segments for the time being until layouts section of the site has been reenabled. Make them private for the time being or label them specifically for HTML section of the sites community so you can receive criticism, tips on changes, and compliments/complaints. More active feedback you can control.

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