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Book Recommendations? (realistic fiction/memoirs)

Posted by Ratgirl


Forum: Books and Stories

Hey! I'm looking for some cool memoirs/realistic fiction I could dig into. I just finished "Stone Butch Blues" by Leslie Feinberg and I really enjoyed it. Super open to any suggestions, just hoping to learn n grow my brain a bit as I read :] 

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Reply by Tayla Gaffney Blake


I remember reading a trilogy in high school, by the author Kylie Chan

It's called the Dark Heavens trilogy and was about Chinese demons and gods and some dude name Leo (it has been close to 15 years since I read it)

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Reply by Francesca


Hi, I've recently read In the dream house by Carmen Maria Machado and it's a great memoir!

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Reply by Geebez, The Nocturnal Scribe


I am writing a fantasy novel series and released the first book last year. I worked on it for over a decade, and am almost done the second book. I've pasted the link to Amazon below.


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Reply by TheBigFatCaterpillar


The stars beneath our feet! It's a really good book about this boy who's brother is killed. It's about how he deals with this. Mostly using legos. It feels so casual and real as you read it, it's really good.

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Reply by Katie


No longer human 

The setting sun
The lonely city 
The bell jar 
Girl, interrupted 

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Reply by edibleconcrete


some of my favorite memoirs are:

med head (tw alcoholism, tourettes, drug use, suicide refs)
a list of things that didnt kill me (tw blood, hiv/aids, child trauma, cancer, death, drugs)
three little words (tw abuse, neglect, foster care)

theres a fiction book i like that reads like a memoir called girl in pieces (tw self harm) and if you dont mind a nonfiction lgbtq history book viral goes into the aids crisis and the lives of gay activists during that time :)

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Reply by vulpex


Survival the Killing Fields by Haing Ngor. It sounds a bit foreboding, but I picked it up because I had never really heard about the Cambodian genocide. The story chronicles a young Haing, an OBGYN living in the capital city when it gets invaded by communist Khmer Rouge. It's an amazing, sad story about the mans life before, during, and after the war. The author actually received an Academy Award for his acting in the movie based on his life, and was killed about 10 years later in downtown LA during a mugging. The book is so though-provoking, and so interesting, and has a great deal of history behind the entire uprising and made me cry so many times. 

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Tuesdays with Morrie was a fantastic read. It was about this college professor who was dying from a terminal illness and how he chose to live out his days, and just his overall mindset throughout the process of dying. The book was written by a former student of the professor, and was considered the last "assignment" he ever completed, as he would add more to the book after his meetings with the professor on Tuesdays. 

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Reply by Ellis


I love Kevin Wilsons books. Some lean a bit toward fiction but most are realistic fiction. They're like Wes Anderson but unmedicated.

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Reply by faekal_matter


On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

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Reply by Last_Futurist


This doesn’t really fit memoir but it’s a pseudo-alternate history by Democratic Candidate Huey Long “My first few days in the White House” which is about Huey Longs plans after becoming president.

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Check this out! https://a.co/d/aDQGbi0 

Don't ignore just cause I posted a link ;;this is my poetry book which serves as a memoire for my life you might think 29 is too young to have a memoire or even material for one, but I've been on my own since I was 13 and lived a wild, misfortunate life xx

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Reply by Eva


The opposite of butterfly hunting!! it is literally so good and it will stay with you <3

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Reply by lidia


catcher in the rye is a classic, not too sure about the memoir part, though. 

notes from the underground, because dostoevsky is always pretty interesting

try the outsider/the stranger by albert camus, it's a pretty fun and quick read if you're looking for something easy. 

frisk by dennis cooper is especially interesting :]

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Reply by Jalynn <3


okay im like millones of years late but Free Lunch + Punching bag are SO AMAZING !!! also, The Poet X, + Somebody's Daughter are so good too

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Reply by JoanneMorales


"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini

"When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi

"Becoming" by Michelle Obama

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Reply by smiley._.


i read the color purple recently and it was pretty good

it was an easy read with nice msgs and a good story line would def reccomend u go check it out!

for me it was an 7.5/10 read

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Reply by Sofiii꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱


mistborn of Brandon Sanderon


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Reply by MarMustDye_



In a similar vein of butch memoirs I really recommend Butch is a Noun by S. Bear Bergman

I also love Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, one of my favorite books of all time tbh. Another great memoir

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Reply by MarMustDye_



In a similar vein of butch memoirs I really recommend Butch is a Noun by S. Bear Bergman

I also love Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, one of my favorite books of all time tbh. Another great memoir

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Reply by therabbitheartedgirl


so sad today by melissa broder ! it's a collection of personal essays so so good. also south and west by joan didion it's really good it's a collection of notebooks from road trips she went on with her husband to mississippi, louisiana and alabama in the 70's! 

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Reply by cath_art_


I think you would really enjoy "i dont have a mouth and i must scream" by Harlon Ellison, its wierd surreal fantasy. Think old wierd web core, dystopian computer, its a whole ride.

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Reply by 𝕻𝖗𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊


I really enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha, although there is some scenes that are just gut-wrenching, this is one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read. 

Any of Jenny Lawson's books are hilariously and well-written too. Really gives you a different perspective on life. 

I also recommend the Poison Bed and Girl, Interrupted. 

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Reply by teaenthusiast


The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

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Reply by Crystal


Endurance by Alfred Lansing might be good. I read it and it encouraged me to start reading nonfiction more. I cried and really loved some parts.

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