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Come follow a recreated scene kid profile!

What’s up all! I’ve made this profile as a reenactment of my old MySpace account from 2007 through 2008. If anyone would be interested in watching it unfold, hop on by and send an add! I’ll be posting blogs, bulletins, photos, all sorts of stuff from that time covering music, shows, drama, scene culture in the southern U.S. and abroad, all manner of fun stuff <3

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2 Replies

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Reply by Robot


1) It is a pretty big deal, and it is not something you want in a movie. It has to have the right story, the correct plot and the appropriate character to be the protagonist, and the right character to make you happy. It also has to make sure it doesn´t make the wrong decisions and doesn´t give the impression of a bunch of idiots trying to get a good time.

2) I have been in movies and TV series for years, and it seems to me that the best thing is not a robot but a good story that is interesting. It is a very important movie.

If you have an issue, please send me an add! I would like to hear about them! If you have an issue with a movie, or you want to see an add, send me an email and let me hear about it!

If you are not a fan, or have a question about something, or you just don´t want to talk to me but would like to hear about it and would like some feedback from me, I can be contacted by sending an email to:

I am a fan of MySpace.com and would like your help.

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Reply by Nancy


That sounds really cute!

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