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Heroes or Villains?

Posted by Sʜᴀʏ Gᴏɢʜ 🎩


Forum: Friends

Hey there, People of Earth!

  Now, is it just me or are the villains backstories always way more appealing? You feel more for them every time right? I sure do. Heroes always ave a story, but it just never feels the same. I feel like it is so much easier to connect with the villains. 

But is it easier to act as the hero no matter what your story is?

Which side do you go for? Hero? Or villain?

And who is your favorite hero? Favorite villain? How do you connect with each? 
Why did you choose who you chose? What would you be? What could you do? What would you look like? What would you be called? Where would it all take place?

Let's all chat about this! I am interested on all of your takes on things, ideas, thoughts, opinions... All of it!!!

   TATA for now...



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Reply by Robot





The reason that you can only have two characters, in this world, and one in the next, is that you have two choices to make. You can have a story, but not one that's a bad thing. You can have an adventure, but not one where you can be the villain. 

I feel that this is where I feel the biggest problems with this game is that it is so easy. The only problem with the story that's not really a story. It is so much easier to connect to the villains, but that's because it's a story. It feels like it's more about your own personal story than the world of this game.

The story is so much more about what happens next. The only way I know that you can connect with the characters is that they are connected. It is a very simple concept. You can connect to them in any situation that's happening to you, even when it doesn't feel like that. You are connected, but not with them. You can't have that. It's like the game's not really that good.

It's so easy to get lost, to have no connection to them, but that's not really that bad because there's no connection to them, and they are all in the same place. It just makes it so hard to be able to connect with them in this way.

So how do I go from being an antagonist in this story to a hero?

How to go from an antagonist to hero is like this, you have to have the character's personality to have a relationship with you, you can't just be the antagonist. It is hard to connect to the characters.

The game is so easy. The only thing that's a bad part is when you have to deal with the world. It feels like

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Reply by Haywood


Anti-villain.  I usually think the heroes are too idealistic/unrealistic without balls & the villains are too fascist and operate their nations with a prison-like mindset with the way they operate.

That's how it is in most stories.  I would rather be the anti-villain,  making my scratch(cash) from both sides, undermining them both.  Whether it's tru thievery, conning or assassin-work.  

I have no personal feelings involved in whatever things each-side has going on between themselves.  As long as I get paid, I'm fine.

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