« Writing and Poetry Forum

Narrating <3

Posted by Sabia Myre


Forum: Writing and Poetry

Hi all!

I LOVE poetry and short stories. I'm a voice artist and I've a YT where I read poetry and short stories, a couple I've even written myself (: I thought I'd share it here in case anyone wanted a listen <3
Sabia Myre Voicing

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Reply by bob e


I listened to a few . . . very nice

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Reply by Sabia Myre


Thank you (: 

I plan to post more soon, I've just been sick back to back lately! 

I appreciate you listening and I'm glad you enjoyed what you heard 

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Reply by Sabia Myre



That's awesome!!!! I've always loved acting. I follow a lot of small artists on Twitter and I happened upon someone needing voice work for a small project on Twitter and tried out and got the part! 
Since then I've just been in love with it and have kept going. (: What's your books title? 

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