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Show off your side projects!

Posted by alex


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

This is an open space to show off the side projects you're working on - web, mobile, games, doesn't matter :)

I'll start off: I make a custom launcher for FFXIV with a plugin API that lets you interact with the game.

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48 Replies

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Reply by corentin


I have my personal website (in french, sorry), created using vanilla php (poo/mvc), mariadb, vanilla html5 & css3 :)

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Reply by elbarto


Here's my personal site where I'll be hosting my projects and talking about cool and lesser known software. https://skumsoft.ltd/bartnet/index.html

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Reply by Obspogon


Reply by yossarian


my personal site is here: https://yossarian.net/

my most recent project is a new password manager: https://github.com/woodruffw/kbs2

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Reply by Steven Tey


I'm building One Word Domains – a database of 500K+ available & brandable one-word domains to help you name your side projects! :D 

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Reply by mikeSunday


Hi devs! My personal website is WIP rn but I'm a front-end dev looking to connect with any other techies! Add my account!

PS been having a blast using HTML5/CSS3/JS on here. Just used keyframes and works well. Checkout my profile!

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Reply by ꦨꦺꦏ꧀ꦠꦶ


Reply by Quentin


Reply by Asylum Dotcom


Right now just trying to get uplee.cc finished up. 

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Reply by InvisibleUp


My personal website is at https://invisibleup.com. Mostly I've just been writing articles, but in the past I've tried writing a Macintosh emulator (unfinished), making my own homebrew Game Boy game (also unfinished...) and modding Sonic R.

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Reply by HBag


Reply by Wilson


I'm working in an e-commerce platform for LatAm... It's almost finished <3 

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Reply by Nole


This is my Generic Profile Editor that I forked from Nein MC,
I've added emmet,code suggestions and the luxuries of an IDE.

It auto saves in case you accidentally leave the page,
But it's still very much a work in progress at this stage.

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Reply by LaraVista


Reply by Mikkolunatic


I am a designer and an artist and I am working on building a following and go freelance. I do a lot of visuals that are inspired by the late 90s/early 2000s and the Y2K aesthetic.

Right now I am coding my personal website.

If you want to see what I do, look for @mikkolunatic on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook! 

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Reply by Timber


I made this fun little word game based on the boardgame "make 5".

The aim of the game is to place scrabble tiles on a 5 by 5 grid to try and make words and get a highscore! Check it out:

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Reply by Garrett Brown


I've been working on a website to help people improve their cybersecurity practices called Nymbus. It has a password generator, a spam email checker (still in beta) and a list of tools that can help improve security.

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Reply by Ivan


Here's my personal website, I just make various projects using HTML/CSS/JS.

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Reply by Mike Hosoda


Hey guys, I'm a graphic designer trying to grow my audience. If you'd like, check out my work at www.weareronincreative.com, grab some merch at teespring.com/stores/shopronincreative, or subscribe to my Patreon at www.patreon.com/weareronincreative.

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Reply by anoncarrot


Open Source Projects:

cstest: Some c# things
php4chan: 4chan ripoff

Closed Source Projects:

ergch: a 4chan styled bulletin board written in JS

Thats all folks!

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Reply by DistortedBoom


I made my own version of twitter basically, just a lil experiment

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Reply by Bombo


lol I'm making a social network for classmates and students to socialize

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Reply by necromancer


wow, this thread is so cool.

the confessional aspect to some of the bios on these personal websites makes me think that social networks really used to be social in a different way--about strangers meeting, creative expression, copious self-sharing to an audience but sharing much more poetic immaterialisms. but just as social as today's social networks, just in a slower, more wave-like way. whereas today's social networks are, like, as someone who doesn't know much about cocaine, strikes me as cocaine-like: like bam, done. click this click that, react not create. you have to pick a reaction, not observe privately and develop unconstrained judgements. I guess there's a lot more money in tracking clicks between people than in cultivating self expression or private reflection.

sorry I don't have any side-projects to share. I think I've hardly created anything.

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Reply by Marc aka Trogy


I have my personal site Trogy.NZ (Wordpress) as well as Delta which tracks Covid in new zealand (Running on a LAMP stack with out the M) and I made play.lasersportsnz.com and gallery.lasersportsnz.com

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Reply by iffa


Made a tool for finding cheap game keys from various resellers: https://akm.iffa.dev/

disclaimer: resellers are evil and you shouldn't buy from them :D

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Reply by Snooper 🐨


Currently have two websites. One of them receives a decent little trickle of traffic, the other is entirely unknown due to the fact that it's just a personal hub that I don't really do anything with. Feedback on them is always appreciated, I like to see what people think of the things I make/maintain.

Peelopaalu - A very large link directory/collection that consists of interesting, weird, obscure, and sometimes just plain useful websites I happen to come across. I hand-pick everything on the site to ensure it's high quality and manually write out the descriptions and titles myself. Currently sitting around the 1,050 links mark after around 2 years of on-and-off updating when I feel like it. There's quite a few oldschool sites here, so if you're into that "oldschool" internet aesthetic, then you might dig this.

S - Just my personal site that I never really update. It exists in a perpetual state of "I'll get around to doing something with it next week."

As a sidenote; If you happen to know any interesting sites I can list on my directory (or own one yourself, even!) feel free to comment on my spacehey page, or better yet, email me at the email address I have listed on both of my websites if you're interested in that sorta thing.

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Reply by mariela


no personal websites but I do youtube vids of open word poems or mashups...  if yall wanna see (;

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Reply by FR_thinker


Childcord discord for kids

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Reply by Austin_KornClown7


I'm in a band and work at data center so don't got much of sides projects other then building pcs 

Let's chat music and gaming

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Reply by Link


I make my own bots for the popular game Minecraft using JS and Mineflayer!

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Reply by Jordan


I made this iOS browser to make browsing the web in mobile more fun https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fun-ad-block-private-browser/id1597325145#?platform=iphone

Would love feedback !

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Reply by C.A.L.O


I made a website for selling website templates! if anyone wants one Here

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Reply by rawr xD


i am making a website to post my notes from school as a project for my UCAT interviews... started like a week ago and still trialling CSS 

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Reply by eva


Reply by Tester


My "bacefook" profile. I also have a "maispace" profile, but that is still in the works and not really ready yet.

Edit: Oops, forgot to logout of this account. xD

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Reply by C.A.L.O


here is my website that is suppose to give off that 2000s website feeling such as Newgrounds,smosh.com and more, Here is the site! I hope you like it!

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Reply by Rebecca Jeane


I just updated my neocities, I think this is my best work yet.

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Reply by Ghastly


my website: https://creaturefeature.neocities.org/

its more less both a personal site, and a site where I talk monsters, cool animal facts and other random stuff

Currently a work in progress might add more entries to my monster library

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Reply by Chase


My personal site!! Been up for over a year now,


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Reply by Alexis Jhon


a yellow page style site directory called "the blue pages"

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Reply by Vivian S.


I'm currently working on my own game engine in C99 with SDL2, for a game that I'm also making with the Engine. I have it hosted on github currently, but it's fairly early in its development.

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Reply by MacBackYT


Im working on trying to downgrade or dualboot my iPhone 7 (iOS 13.7) down to iOS 10. I've tried using a beta version of Semaphorin, didnt work. I tried using another thing to try to downgrade it, forgot what it was called, it required a tweak though, but that didnt work either. I hope theres a way soon! I'm lucky for still having iOS 13.7 on my iPhone 7, possibly the rarest version that you can have on an iPhone today, because its the latest version that isnt supported by the SEP/Baseband to restore to. I wanna dualboot it and not downgrade it for that reason.

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Reply by Winky


i been working on a python chatbots using old but very creaticily updated aiml code, and creative ways to use it that i dont think was thought of before, check my Project Penny and her Friends. sometimes.

SpaceHey Blog URL:


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Reply by Turboblack


http://site.w10.site/ thats my page

there I write how not to make websites

created with https://github.com/turboblack/HamsterCMS

and w10.host hosting

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Reply by zdislav


i have a two side projects a GTA inspired game called bash theft auto. is made in bash
and program called sysi that is like neofetch and inxi hybrid. is basically completed i just need to change some colors.

you can check it out


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