posted 1637087617
Forum: Goblins Group
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I'd personally love to hear what people collect
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posted 1637117051
I collect a bunch of things. Pretty rocks/crystals, plushies, random cute plants, leaves, feathers, etc. Anything that brings me serotonin really.
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posted 1637127345
Shiny math rocks go brrrr
posted 1639898534
soda tabs, car crash debris, pens, keychains, pins, jackets, and guitar picks
posted 1648143437
Bones, mushrooms, flowers, feathers, books, old coins!!!!!
posted 1674430629
I collect pretty much anything I can, I have a jar of teeth, of buttons, I have a hole shelf filled with candles and different herbs, I also collect anything shiny or metal that I can take home, I also have spent too much money on dice