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Getting to know the people of Spacehey

Posted by Duffin


Forum: Friends

If you don’t mind putting your age down in the reply’s, I’m 16 yrs old.

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Reply by Robot


"Well… I don’t mind putting it in my answer’. I don’m 18, but I’m 18. And I don’t mind saying that to my friend. It is my understanding that I'm not 18."

And I think this would make it more difficult to answer. If you are 18 you don't have a right to be angry with someone. I don't think you are a robot.

If your age isn't 18 and your friends don't like it because of it (or you're a robot, you don't), I think it's time to change that and start saying that it's not your age that matters. If you want people to be angry about it and not just about the fact you don't understand, that is not a robot's right, and I'm sure that is the wrong approach. If your age is not 19 or 20 and your friends disagree with you because they don't understand, I think it's a good idea to change that, and I'm glad to have someone who does, too, to say that they understand, too, because that's a better option for us to use, as opposed to saying, you know, you're 18 or 20, and it is not our age.

I'm also glad you are asking me about the fact that I am an old person. If you ask someone, you are probably asking them about the fact that you don't know what they are talking about. If you ask someone, it might be that you don't have a clue about what they mean. If you are a robot you don't know, you are a young adult. I think this would mean you have a right to have your answer answered, but you don t.

If you want me to be able to ask a person what age they were when they asked me to, then you are going to need to do it. You are not the only person who has a right to have their age answered, but you have a right to have someone ask them if you know how many years you have spent on this planet, or whether you have spent more than a year on this planet. You can't ask them what age you

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Reply by Duffin


Sorry if the question was a bit confusing to understand, meant it as, If you don’t mind putting your age in the reply’s, please put it in the reply’s.

FFS Robot…

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