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Over 40?

Posted by Kristin P


Forum: Friends

Am I the only one over 40 here? MySpace was great for me in my 20s. I was so into indie bands and got to meet so many of them as well as meet some incredible people. 

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26 Replies

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Reply by Brian Palmer


Nope! I just popped on here a couple days ago after seeing an article about this site. Myspace was totally my jam in my 20s (I met my wife there!), and the music/bands I discovered here during that time was fantastic! This is such a fun nostalgia trip!

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Reply by Kristin P


I am glad I am not the only one. MySpace was totally my place to be for the years it was around. It is like simpler times again. 

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Reply by Lela


I’m 44. It’s so neat to see the great memories of the original MySpace . I remember when it was the thing back then. It’s neat to see others around my age on here. Feel free to add me is anyone would like to .

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Reply by Palmfridur Hanna Gudsdottir


I am an old soul in my late 40s.  I welcome friendly, mature people of legal age here on SpaceHey and MeWe.  I am pretty much done with Facebook, etc.  

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


I'm about to hit 40 in October. 

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Reply by Robert Wagner


I just turned 45, last month. I just joined myself, and it is so weird trying to relearn this format. But fun. Lol

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Reply by Mark


I would imagine a lot of us older people will wind up here eventually as the word gets around. I only went to Facebook because everyone was there. I genuinely liked the old Myspace.

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Reply by Neu_Lyfe


No so glad to be off Facebook...been waiting on something like MySpace to come back 

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Reply by Deliberance Henning


So glad to see older people I still think I may be the oldest but I was like I'm never gonna get any friends on here I'm not really good at sending request yet just learning but I welcome all new people. 

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Reply by Dayna Holder


45 here!! Is anyone else on a legit trip down memory lane right now? Now I just need some new kids on the block playing on my Walkman, a glass of chilled Tang, an ASTRO pop sucker, my la gear tennis shoes and my guess jeans and I'd literally transport back 30 years!!! 

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Reply by AS0001


Greetings! I'm 38 and I love this place (joined couple of days ago). I used to be a MS user long time ago. I welcome everyone to add me, who wants to... :)

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Reply by Nancy


Gonna throw my hat on, as well.  I'm 42!

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Reply by BuggyD


49 here and at the risk of sounding dramatic - Myspace saved my life back in the day. I was grieving hard and ventured there in hopes of finding a grief support group but ended up finding a great group of friends, some of whom I am still close to after ... what is it?  15 years?

I started chatting back before Myspace though, anyone else from IRC and CompuServe days?

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Reply by juliet's nurse


41 here, so happy to see some peeps my age on here as well. OG MySpace was so my jam back in 2000's, I still regret letting some old friends lure over to Facebook. 

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Reply by Tyler


41 here, on the 14th be 42.

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Reply by DarkMiryam


I'm 40... Looking for SpaceHey friends near my age! :D

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Reply by Alys


Oh thank goodness I found you all- I thought I was the only one! 43, old skool myspace lover! Was so excited to find there was this new version. MS was SO much better than fb etc. 

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Reply by Tessa


Reply by Manpie


*Puts hand in the air*

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Reply by geekout


Reply by Alex


Tenho 65 anos...

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Reply by Arius


I'm 41! :)

I had a myspace account back in the day, but TBH I didn't use it much. It was mostly a place to post my music that no one listened to, lol. I was way more into the Muse's Muse Songwriting forum (still going!) and the Polyamory forums. I still like forums, actually. These days my main one is Phoenix Rising, for people with CFS/ME.

I like Spacehey much better than facebook though!

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Hey everyone,

I’m 30 but it’s nice to see individuals close to my age range. I was looking for a site similar to Myspace for a while. Glad I found this! hope you all are doing well

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Reply by Alex


Serve pessoa com maís de 60 anos? Gosto de rock anos 70, Elton John, sou do Brasil e gosto de fazer amizade pelo mundo 

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