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how far off is your sleep schedule from your timezone

Posted by Twilight Sparkle


Forum: Life

for me it is 5 am as i post this and not because i woke up early

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25 Replies

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Reply by 𝐿𝒾𝓋𝒾𝑒❁


Oh man you don't want to know. I'm a serious night owl with no control. This previous day I went to bed at like 6:30am and woke up at like 6pm. Somebody tell me I'm not the worst Xd

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Reply by Ellie <3


i... i feel called out, my sleep schedule is currently consisting of going to sleep at 6am and waking up around 2pm oopsies!

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Reply by Xantia


I live in America on the east coast and my sleep schedule is the Ukraine lol

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Reply by J@cki3


I usually go to sleep at 2 or 3 am, and the longer that I'm out of work, the later I will go to sleep. Like at 5.

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Reply by Fae Addams


I struggle with insomnia on a regular basis, I got covid and now my insomnia is so so much worse! I think I went 4 days last week without sleep. It's 2am on a Wednesday here in upstate NY. I'm in bed, cuddled up with my blankets and cats wishing I could fall asleep. I've been told I sleep.  Hope you're able to catch some zzz's 

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Reply by necromancer


Nighttime is the best time and my favourite and I used to be at various times nocturnal/chronotype-indifferent. Lately I've just been trying to wake up in the mornings and sleep at night to avoid the person I'm living with as much as possible and stay awake while they're away working. I'm trying to figure out a way I can wake up in the middle of the night & avoid them in the morning & then pass out as soon as they get home while still being awake for my shifts (which are later in the evening). I wish that there were more than 3 (three) towns in my (exorbitantly wealthy) country with affordable housing (this is a statistical fact!).

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Reply by Xx.Licole.xX


well its very off seeing im up at 7am .. feels like daylight savings went back 2hrs not 1hr

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Reply by Twilight Sparkle


@Xx.Licole.xX funnily enough the other day I was talking with my friend online, and I mentioned what time it was, and they went "wtf, no??"
apparently my computer clock was broken and i got shifted back 3 hours by DST, not 1!! explains why it was getting dark so early, LOL

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This is an awesome topic.

I like to sleep during the day in the US, and it’s not because of the sunlight. Honestly, it’s a flaw in life for me right now.

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Reply by Remy


I always wake up at times like 10 am, but that's an improvement when i used to wake up at 5pm LOL
Sleep schedules tend to spiral out of control REALLY fast....

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Reply by not_lain


i really used to have a serious case of insomnia where i was sleepless for days during college

my body has degraded over the years and developed chronic fatigue and migraine
so i cant exactly go beyond 6am-8am insomnia i used to have

im not a nigh owl and i hate being awake at night
i dread sleeping so late that i wake up feeling like ass all the time
i try as much as possible to have a routine and sleep early but
best i could do is be asleep around 1am-2am

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Reply by Love


It is currently 10:27pm here but I won’t go to sleep till about 6am my schedule is whacked out bro 

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Reply by [VNTH] Digital Cheese


I'm usually up at around 8-9am and go to sleep at around 1-2am. In total, that is usually 18 hours that I am up.

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Reply by alex_xander


I go to bed at around 7:30 AM and wake up at 5-6 PM Xd

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Reply by jerry_


my timezone is UTC-12:00 and i sleep from 8pm to 3pm

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Reply by Kelvin


I'm awake now, I hardly sleep anymore and when I sleep I spend all day in bed XD

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Reply by SomethingInTheWay


need sleep in 22:00, im sleep in 4:00 >_<

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Reply by Sanda✰


I have a sleep schedule the same as the one in my country XD I sleep at 0-1am and wake up at 7:30-9am

(I try to follow a healthy lifestyle (*´▽`)ノノ)

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Reply by moxxie


like im waking at ten pm and sleeping at ten am lol

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Reply by 𝓗𝓪𝓲𝔀𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓼


a momento de escribir esto son las 02:41AM y pienso dormir cerca de las 3-6 horas de pasar esto, mi horario normal de sueño suele ser de mínimo 2h y máximo de 9h.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Lately I've been going to bed around 12:30 am PDT on school nights and 2 am PDT on weekends. My sleep schedule has slowly shifted later and later from 10:30 pm/12 am to where it is now in the past few months. 

The only thing stopping me from shifting later than that (as I usually do during summer vacation when I don't have to worry about school for a few months before I eventually have to reset myself back to an artificially early bedtime of around 11 pm or so right before school starts up again) is controlling myself and forcing myself to go to bed by a certain time.

Being a night owl is like living on a broken clock compared to the rest of the world (early birds), and even more so if you find yourself going to bed later and later at certain points.

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Reply by Plantii


why do you guys stay up so late? I can also go to bed at 2-3 am, but when people fall asleep at 6 am... I don't think that's very normal...

like I myself go to bed most often at 00 and 01.. and I wake up at 10 in the morning because my mother wakes me up, is this bad?

explain why you are doing this???


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Reply by HELL


Зависит от того какой сегодня день недели ^_^, обычно, по будням я сплю от силы часов 5-7, и то это если повезёт и я лягу рано..Ибо бывает, что я засиживаюсь за рисованием или работой в целом ":D, но а по выходным как карта ляжет, то есть..Могу проспать хоть и 2 часа сна а могу так вообще пол дня ":)
(я из россии и у нас недосып это действительно что-то в порядке вещей, особенно у подростков/молодых людей) 

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Reply by LightningShade


Oh man depends on the month at this point since it's so random. I used to go to bed at 11pm-1am.  Now it's closer to 1am-3am, sometimes even 4am if I get too distracted or just don't wanna sleep.

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Reply by R4tp3lter


I can't sleep please help me

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