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Some Recent Poetry By Bob.e

Posted by bob e


Forum: Writing and Poetry

My poetry is character based. This series of poems are about Matilda, born around the year 1900, in a small seaport town named Delby. The poems describe her life and the lives of other people in Delby, as well as life in Delby. I hope you enjoy them. bob.e


there's blackbirds in the berry bush
red berries contrast the black of the birds
the greyish brown of the bark & the white of the snow
winter has fallen upon delby
with its cold grey days & chilly winds

for matilda- winter is tea in the cup
fire in the hearth & a good book
outside― great big billowy puffs of snow float down
landing with an almost perceptible thud
she'll while away the day watching the snow fall
while drinking her tea & reading

meanwhile outside the snow will fall & the chilly wind blow
as the days turn into weeks then weeks into months
as winter presses on― with the silence of the snow


by the sound

of blackbirds

in the berry bush

saturn over sunset

as the sun slowly sets
a lone star sits
upon it's shoulder
it's saturn over sunset
matilda sits gazing up
into the emerging darkness
as one by one
stars- come to light
saturn over sunset
portends to a night
of wild magic
it's not just a thinning of the veil
no― it's more a tear in its fabric
with arms uplifted
she says her prayers
makes invocations
to the feral energy
that surrounds her

jackie taylor

he was an old london cabbie
living in the mews
there's no hansom cabs in delby
but there still be horses
jackie- knows horses
a cabbie cum farrier
he fits shoes & dresses hooves
for all the harbor horses
matilda often comes to visit
feeds sugar cubes and apples
to the waiting horses
sometimes she works the bellows
hands jackie nails & files
while he works his craft
all the while he tells her stories
about his life back in england
his life as a london cabbie

mews are row houses built over stables or stables converted to homes

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15 Replies

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Reply by StrawberryShortcake2010


These are amazing. R.I.P . <3

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Reply by StrawberryShortcake2010


These are amazing. R.I.P . <3

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Reply by brxx


sorry im a year late but these r all rlly good

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Reply by bob e


singing in the parlor

titmouse titmouse sing me a song
sing me a song from high in your tree
titmouse titmouse sing me a song
a song from you to me

matilda sits by the parlor window
painting pictures while singing
her little made up songs

she sings as she paints
a childlike water color world

her do re mi's echo
through out the house
along with her fa so's & la ti do's

they echo as she weaves
together a song―

that only a child would sing

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Reply by bob e


riding on the aether

there's a sound
outside her window

enticing matilda
to open it

words flow in
like a gentle breeze

poetry― in the air

poetry― of the sea
of the land & sky

poetry― told in a breathy whisper

words― spoken
in some unknown tongue

words― that matilda understands

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Reply by bob e


never on a sunday

the boozin' betty's
sit by the tavern window
most pious on sundays
not so much on days other

there's not a betty
in the bunch
it's just what
the locals
call them

they sit in judgment
of the sidewalk passer-by's
while sipping beers
or cocktails

she― mrs. so & so
looks like mutton
dressed as a lamb

says one― to the others

another says

we know something
that her husband don't

as they all laugh

so it goes as the afternoon wanes

till time comes
that they must take leave
tend to chores & wifely duties
be loving wives
to hard working husbands

the rowdy & rabble
sitting at the bar
judge them as they leave
for who they really are

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Reply by bob e



just a few miles north
from delby harbor
lies a hidden cove

where the faëries say
(if faëries are to be believed)
is a place where mermaids play

matilda sets off
to see for herself
these fabled maidens

as the morning mists rise
she sees their dark silhouettes
sitting atop the rocks

seeing her approach
the mermaids one by one
slip back into the sea

all― save for one

she sensing matilda's innocence
leaves behind a necklace
made of shells

she smiles
then follows the others
out into the sea

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Reply by bob e



just a few miles north
from delby harbor
lies a hidden cove

where the faëries say
(if faëries are to be believed)
is a place where mermaids play

matilda sets off
to see for herself
these fabled maidens

as the morning mists rise
she sees their dark silhouettes
sitting atop the rocks

seeing her approach
the mermaids one by one
slip back into the sea

all― save for one

she sensing matilda's innocence
leaves behind a necklace
made of shells

she smiles
then follows the others
out into the sea

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Reply by bob e



they face the sun in adoration
when cloudy they turn away
they're offered up to the virgin mary
on annunciation day

the children of delby
dressed in their sunday best
gather under march skies
to recite long litanies of prayer
to mother mary
then place bouquets & garlands
of mary's gold before her

mother mary bypasses the priest & mother superior
to share her treasure with the wise woman & hedge witch
who place her gold beneath their beds
to foster dreams that may come true
to await the ministrations of the angel gabriel

matilda knows the ways of the wise woman
she knows the secrets of the field
and just like the hedge witch
she knows the magic― of mary's gold

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Reply by bob e


an ordinary day
july 2018

it was an ordinary day ordinary as ordinary can be
when matilda set off to play and wander in the woods
after tiring of familiar paths she decides to explore
darker more hidden trails to go deeper than ever before
till she happens upon a sun dappled clearing
with a great tall grandfather clock standing at it’s edge
ticking and chiming away the hours
a rabbit and a moose stand at it’s side
heralds- keeping order and decorum while the clock holds court
all manner of woodland creatures took council with it
till matilda left by herself was last to approach and stand before it
the clock looked down upon her with eyes older than time itself
saw deep into her soul offered words of comfort and hope
prophecies of things to come and secrets to hold
when finished the clock closed it’s eyes and intoned a spell
after which matilda found herself stumbling along familiar paths
with memories of a place she’ll never find- again

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Reply by bob e


at the turn of a card

if you go to kricks tavern
(the place not its namesake)
you'll see a row of cottages
that once were the homes of brothel ladies
where old simon abrams and titi live
their evenings spent sitting out on the porch
they speak to each other
in words that neither understand
he being an englishman & she a gypsy
with no common tongue between them
they make due— just by being with each other
he's at least 15 years her senior
she with a dusting of powder and some paint
turns out to be not so half pretty

in its heyday kricks tavern
(the house of ill repute— not the place)
was a bastion of hard drinking and gambling
simon back then was pretty good at the turn of a card
often tallied more in the pluses than minuses

sometime over a decade ago
during one long night of gambling
there was just 2 left at the table
simon & the stranger
at each turn of a card
the stakes were raised
till just one card remained
simon bet the last of his chits
the stranger raised him
a few more chits & to the surprise & chagrin
of all standing 'round
he added his wife to the pot

today some say the stranger purposely threw that hand
something i guess we'll never know
but here is what we do know
at the turn of a card
simon won

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Reply by bob e


inspired by Lord Byron
(she walks in beauty like the night)

it's playtime for emmaline
stepping apart
from a sleeping matilda
who― in her dreams
frolics about in another life

there's no need for a shadow
in the dark of night
when one lies
in repose dreaming

so emmaline takes her leave
to breath the jasmine scented air of night
to dance in the meadows― unseen

Written in response to a writers challenge and subject prompt in the Poet's Dream Writers Group

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Reply by bob e


happy ever after

her untimely death― by scarlet fever
left emma paisley living within the walls
of the downtown delby arms
haunting the place from which
she sought what always
she yearned for

issac templeton takes rest
in the very room she died
the old sailor comes home
most times sober― sometimes drunk
to be with that spirit in the walls
she lies with him at night
caresses him like a lover

in his dreams
a whole lifetime passes
a house― by the seaside
children 1- 2 & 3
then like all life
it comes to an end
his vision fades― fades into black
fades― into nothing
dying in the arms
of his true love

happy ever after

living― in the walls
with his loved one
in the downtown
delby arms

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Reply by bob e


apricot sunset

it was an apricot sunset
not the color of fire
nor crimson not yellow
but with all the shades & blush
of an apricot
saffy sits alone
pondering the imponderables
such questions
that any teenage girl
might wonder & pine over
is love incurable
does it last a lifetime
will it ever go away
there's no answer
to her ponderings
so she sits alone
in the glow
of an apricot sunset

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Reply by bob e


I've posted more poetry in my blogs

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