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Any asexuals around?

I'm an ace of hearts myself. Been out of the game for awhile now though. Jeez its the biggest pain for me to have to explain to every potential partner what asexuality is. Ive been wanting to try dating again for awhile now but omg i do not want to deal with that annoyance. I've talked with some other people on ace forums before but id love to hear about when ya'll think its best to explain your sexuality and what that means to a potential partner. From what ive read people tend to lean towards right away or after about three dates

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50 Replies

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Reply by Amber Nicole


It's nice to see more asexuals on this site! I'm demisexual myself and always find it hard to bring up the discussion with previous partners. I always find its better to be up front with people at the begining, it saves a lot of heartbreak. 

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Reply by Alexandra Grayson


I am also ace :)

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Reply by DavidOtisVan


Michigan US Ace reporting in

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Reply by emotwink96


hey :-) im grey so kind of close to u guys

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Reply by Junky Punky Patrick


I'm demisexual so I'm in that realm

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Reply by seraphxo


Reply by Mischief Couture



I'm super upfront abt it or else the entire date is them playing games with me trying to sleep with me.

Like, it's just not going to happen. I feel zero nerve response, its nothing personal. 

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Reply by ⛦Gray⛧


I have been summoned 

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Reply by 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖕𝖍 🕸️


i'm demi!! luckily i've only dated good friends so they've always been understanding, plus the lack of attraction didn't apply as we already shared a deep bond~

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Reply by Ashlee Moreno


I’m ace!! I think I lean more towards aceflux but anyway I came out about a year ago to my husband (we’ve been married for 3 years and been together 10 years in total) and he says he accepts me and loves me regardless but I don’t think he quite understands which is frustrating. 

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Reply by Weenie hut junior


I’m also ace

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Reply by Lizzy


Can I meet good friend here WhatsApp me +15022521464

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Reply by Liv


I’m aceflux :)

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Reply by ChronicMoirail


Ace here!

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Reply by Forbidden_zon


I had an interesting story. One day I was looking for a website. I will not deceive the question was just to have a great time. Have fun with hot models and have fun. That's how I found sex chat webcam site https://vibragame.org/en/ Here are really very hot models from around the world who are ready to spend time with you and realize any fantasies. So after one night with such a model from Romania, I got to know her better and here we are. Which is just incredible. I never thought that I would be able to put this into practice. I think everyone should try this story.

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Reply by envy <3


hiii :) im graysexual,, mostly leaning towards the asexual side of the spectrum. 

sometimes i feel like im broken because i dont desire very many sexual things like the people around me. Does it ever start to feel normal??? i really want some Ace friends,, add and mssg me <3

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Reply by -02-


ace too ( also aro )

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Reply by Scars


Hi.. yes I am.. what firends I do hav don't understand... the way I feel I just would like to hav a partner in life... just someone I could trust... someone I could just say any an they get it... the rest I don't even care about... 

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Reply by ♥ Arachne ♥



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Reply by sickpuppy


I was Ace but not anymore

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Reply by sickpuppy


I was Ace but not anymore

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Reply by Helena/Angel


im ace too :p

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Reply by August


I’m asexual as well !! : D

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Reply by Ben Dover


Tf is asexual??????

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Reply by Zaza-Wally


Yoooo an asexual. Well demisexual but on the spectrum

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Reply by Helena/Angel


Haha I'm asexual too : ) 

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Reply by xenon


im a sex repulsed asexual

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Reply by amelia :]


im also asexual !!!

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Reply by newcleardawn


same with xenon a bit above. sex repulsed, mostly romantic repulsed ace/aro. happy to be where i stand honestly

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Reply by smol_n_yummy


ace squad rise up <3 I'm so glad that I found a partner that respects my boundaries too!

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Reply by manda


my fellow aces!!

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Reply by mutedMediator [MM]


I know how you feel. I'm asexual and demiromantic. Recently I had an experience with someone who I originally thought just wanted to be friends. He soon kept asking to send nudes/ video chat. Every time I said no he acted like he could change my asexuality. It's very stressful.

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Reply by Rose Moon


I am asexual, married to another asexual^^

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Reply by haley


i’m also asexual!!

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Reply by sara/שרה ♰


İ think i also might be asexual, but i still need some time with it :'))

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Reply by ElCaminante


u not alone, pal!

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Reply by zepar


i'm asexual and therefore don't get myself involved with people. i tried dating a few times (while still with my current partner, he was very understanding) and every single time it was 'okay' i was asexual until it was decided suddenly it wasn't. not doing that ever again.

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I'm aroace

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Reply by sadking


I'm ace, Hi.

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Reply by Petey


the romantic part of sex is what turns me on. and the pretty sounds and the love for the other person. otherwise i hate sex and find it gross (i know i sound like a little kid saying sex is gross). I enjoy sex a lot but only when its with someone i think is absolutely beautiful inside and out. the emotion and romance is really the only think i want when i have sex, otherwise get your cooties away from me.

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Reply by Richie 🌟


Asexual and Cupioromantic 👋

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Reply by dizzyyy


im ace too :3

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Reply by Kymani


Greysexual ace here! It’s hard out here

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Reply by 𓄹 🧺 𓏲 kittyn soft! ﹆


im ace too

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Reply by ☆Matt


i am asexual and demi arromantic :3

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Reply by Kalmia


aroace here!!!

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Reply by benny


howdy *waves hi*

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Reply by SubtleTsc


I am considered resistantly aro+ace: in favour of quality & connection, +contextually demi*, +ethical flux. And a polyfidel. (As in selective & closed sexually, for quality & commitment.)

*demi as in emotionally connected, not the Final Fantasy magic attack nor something related to hooves!

Seriously... who named it "demi"??!

Its caused more confusion than clarity and that seems like its on purpose!


Whereas sensuality, as explained below, is one of my main personal aspects. But ""we"" would still have to look the part for someone, unless its to meaningfully heal them through something serious, if appropriate..

(Again: Ethically+contextually)

Those are my preferences and priorities. 

And compersion itself, is also something that can be attained more readily through polyfidelity, but also vicariously through high quality monogamy.

I explain all this in a mini vlogs+blogs on youtube(open it in private unless you share my sentiments and want more content like that):

Describing asexual sensuality. (Its the missing link of being affectionate, that people neglect.)

The full original long-form content vlog of that, can be found on Odysee.

Lynn Saga also has a lot of good content on youtube: defending asexuality and meaningful relationships.

You can look her up her stuff too. 

I also wrote a Medium article about asexual sensuality & polyintimacy:


Link in the blog.


The missing image is supposed to the same thumbnail from that video describing asexuality.

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Reply by R00by!


I'm lucky to have a partner that understands me being ace. :)

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Reply by R00by!


I'm lucky to have a partner that understands me being ace. :)

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