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straight men painting their nails

Posted by Makku


Forum: Fashion, Style, Shopping

hi everyone!! i'm just wondering what are your opinions on straight guys painting their nails?? i'm pretty new to it myself and i thought that i'd get more ''hate'' for it, but mostly everyone is supportive and thinks it's cool...well my male friends don't really care actually lol but girls think it's really cool. but on the otherside of it, all grown-ups in my life really hate it, like my mom and brother. my mom was more pissed off about me painting my nails than when i got caught drinking.. and my teachers also look down upon it..first time my mom saw me painting my nails i had to convince her for an hour that i wasn't into men. she's starting to get used to it now but she still doesn't like me painting my nails:/. thankfully she knows she can't do anything about it lol.

anyways yeah - straight men painting their nails - how many of you do it? what do you think about it? does anyone else have parents or someone close to them dislike it?

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Reply by cici


i think it's cool! everyone should be able to express themselves however they want. painting my nails personally calms me down, and most people in my life would be fine with straight men doing it (maybe not my parents though) but overall, as long as you're having fun and not hurting anyone, who cares? the only thing that worries me is that a lot of straight men wont know to learn proper nail care / technique for when they paint their nails, and it's very beneficial! not only do your nails look great, there will be less chipping, it'll stay longer and be more fun to look at throughout the day. (youtube is a great place to start learning about this for anyone thinking about it; i recommend simplynailogical) . have fun with it! no ones opinion has ever changed by seeing the same thing over and over; the more straight men who do it, the less stigma :) ♡

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Reply by G0RIX0L0GY


I could careless but if my friend is painting with a special shade of purple that I've went through hell to find, we are taking our rage out in Fortnite or Overwatch

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Reply by Jizzy Jay


Anyone should be able to paint their nails, regardless of gender or sexuality! 

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Reply by Zombie/Robbie


I think it's cool, you shouldn't feel unable to do what makes you happy regardless of gender or sexuality. 

Especially if it's something as simple and harmless as nail polish, or getting your nails done. 

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Reply by lashlimed


lolol it happens. i looovvvee having my nails painted and wearing dresses, skirts, makeup and all that. had to try and convince my mother many times that im just a straight guy. honestly tho dont worry about all those labels and shit its not worth it. you got nothing to prove to anyone just do what you want and what you think looks sick as fuck. especially if youre worrying abt if its normal for other straight guys to do it who cares.

( I also just came to the realization that this is 2 years old so i might be a bit late to the party)

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Reply by Raddix Isn't Real


Its rad af! The only thing stopping str8 dudes from doing it are fem/gay stereotypes.

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Reply by Fifi


I think its pretty rad to be honest! Honestly its a breath of fresh air to see a straight dude not have such fragile masculinity that some painted nails send them into a blind rage =3=

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Reply by JJ


I actually really like when straight dudes paint their nails cause it shows they don't truly care. Plus on top of that it is like breaking a traditional barrier in a weird way lol

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