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Favorite Metal Bands/Genres?

Posted by xmadiex


Forum: Music

Hey! Nothing complex to this post, just wanna see what metal bands or genres you all like best! 
I personally can't choose a band but I like sludge, nu, doom, and death metal!! 

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Reply by Kris


Well my favorite metal genre is mostly brutal death metal, but sometimes I like mathcore, grindcore, and deathgrind.  My go-to metal bands that I listen to are Cannibal Corpse, Car Bomb, Dying Fetus, Cephalic Carnage, Slipknot, Napalm Death, and Psyopus.  There are more but I feel that the bands I've mentioned are kinda big in name if you know what I mean.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Metalcore. As for the bands, it would be Bullet For My Valentine and Bring Me The Horizon.

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