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So, Metal bands... anyone got any Heavy/Thrash/Death/Black Metal playlists?

Posted by Dennis


Forum: Music

Basically, leave the glam/metalcore/deathcore/nu metal out. No hate, not hating here. I just don't particularly care for those. They either annoy me or bore me, and I know that I'm not alone in my picky music tastes. If you enjoy bands like Whitesnake, Emmure, Slipknot, and As I Lay Dying, you do you, but I want to discover new bands that aren't like those ones.

So, who here has some great recommendations?

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Reply by Sage:)


Agora, Colonnelli, Aquefrigide, are all great pretty lesser known metal bands! 

-Agora is a heavy metal band from Mexico, my personal favorite songs by them are Imperio, Víctima, Hombre Máquina, and Soy Veneno.

-Colonnelli is a sort of thrash/heavy metal band from Italy- my favorite band at the moment! Some good songs by them are Come Dio comanda, V.M. 18, Vi cacceremo senza pietà, Circo massacro, and Ero vestito di nero, plus they have a new album coming out soon :)

-No idea what Aquefrigide is considered, but they are from Italy as well. some good songs are Detesto, Anima, Trota, Fenis 6 Morto. In addition i’m pretty sure the artist Simona la Muta on spotify is the same person, i haven’t been able to find much information about them. Some good songs under that name are Dobermann, Ameba Bianca, and Larva!

Idk if you’d be interested in Colonnelli or Aquefrigide since i don’t know the exact genre, but I feel like you’d like Agora at least! :)

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Reply by Dennis


All those bands sound awesome! Thanks!

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Reply by AC1D


this is the best(not really) thrash playlist ever (i made it) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/78jVIYhzyrzR2BlaGffG00?si=1f9e64b6d0f8423c

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