Is there anyone else here that deals with shifting depression? Like i try to boost myself up and keep myself uplifted, but it's hard. I want to get out of my head and not deal with my emotions, at all!
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How To Deal With Depression
7 Replies
Reply by LadyG
Reply by Cali
Reply by Mist
Reply by Mist
Reply by Cali
Reply by XxXEmo_BxddieXxX
I battle with depression and the things that help me is journaling, counseling, meds, music and just talking it out with even a friend. Sometimes I get into such a deep dark way that I sometimes have to go to the hospital but regardless I always remember there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel and I get through. It might last a couple mins, hours, days BUT I never actually give into it and I never give up on life, there is so much more I want to do on this earth before I die so I don't plan on actually taking it away from myself.
Reply by Balaclava dude
Deal with it alot when alone at night, that time where your mind has the time to think, and remember all the bad things I wish I could forget or in my dreams trying to sleep. Haven't seen a doctor and kinda refuse to. But pretty sure I have ptsd and depression.
What helps me is finding a distraction. Either good movie, book, video games, art, my dog, and anything else that can keep my mind busy. Unfortunately there isn't much to help with nightmares but that is far less often now.