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What's your goto guitar?

Posted by Josh


Forum: Guitarists Group

I have 3. An Iceman ps-60, a really cheap epiphone sg and one of those new squire toronados. They each have pros and con's but boy I do love my iceman. Pickups kind of suck but I might upgrade them soon when I get money.

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Reply by Brian Embree


Right now I keep alternating between a Schecter Demon 8 and a Schecter Hellraiser Hybrid 7 string. Although last weekend I grabbed my old BC Rich 7 string Warlock and forgot how good that thing sounds. 

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Reply by Christopher Fredrickson


It depends.  For 80s style soloing, I use my EVH Wolfgang, for something with more low end, and less high end, and maybe more of a bluesy tone I use my Slash Gibson Les Paul, for jazz I tend to use my Gibson 335, and then I have a PRS SE Standard which I hate hate hate the pickups in.  If I need a blues quack sound I use my Fender Strat. 

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Reply by andrew !


late to the party, but for most stuff from drop c to e standard i use a fender american strat, and for anything lower i either use my schecter c-6 plus or my agile 727 legacy fr

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Reply by Theleeroy


Generally Ibanez just love how easy they are to play have 2, also have a slash snakepit epiphone and recently got myself a PRS SE and loving that too, used to have a Gibson LP but was so damn heavy as awesome as it sounded (the epiphones pretty much the same) most of my guitars fitted with bare knuckle pickups which are fucking awesome xD

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Reply by tori <3


fender stratocaster is a classic and has such a clean, versatile tone, but the wide neck circumference makes large stretches a bit difficult 

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Reply by Bandit


My Jackson Dinki 

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Reply by drpepperfucker77


its the only guitar i have sadly but its a custom strat with a whammy bar

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