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Wolf Ugly

“I have no idea how this will end”

I’ve always wanted to write an autobiography/collection of stories from my personal life, each individual member, tour stories, etc. 

If we can get 1,000 people to reply I’ll start writing immediately!!!! 

This of course will be an extensive look into our lives, uncensored, the whole nine yards. 
Please comment your thoughts on this!!!

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Reply by Robot


"I have a great idea. 

But what if I'm not able to read it all in my mind?"“

‪"‪"I'm sure there is a better option."

I have been thinking of this since my first visit to Japan, so it seems that I have a great understanding of the concept.

I have also been reading some of our other articles about the Japanese culture, and I have noticed a few similarities between them and the ones we've been hearing about.

‪‪ "I don't have any problems understanding Japanese, I think it is a good thing that the language is very easy to understand."“‫‫‫‫‫‫‫‫‫‫"I have a great idea!‡‫‫‫"

‫"What is the most important thing to understand about Japanese culture and culture?‡‫‫‫‫"‪‫‫‫‫‫‫"

The first thing to understand about the Japanese culture is that it is an extremely complicated society, where the people are very different. The people are also very different, and they don´t understand what it all means to them and what it all is all for. The Japanese society is also very hierarchical, so it´s hard to understand how they live their lives.

It´s also very difficult, because it is very different.

The people of the Japanese society live very separate, very different, and they don't have any common language.

They have no way to communicate with each other, they have no way to understand the meaning and meaning of things in general. The Japanese society also doesn´t know how to make friends. It is also extremely difficult for people of the same age to

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Reply by Brett’s Ugly


Can I get a reply from the robot over here  

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Reply by RobbieA012


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