« Fashion, Style, Shopping Forum

Looking For Fellow Bloggers to Follow!

Posted by Rozen Briar


Forum: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Hello everyone! 

I'm new to SpaceHey and I realized I'm struggling to find adults who are active and write blog posts so I figured I'd make a forum to find people like that!

I'm looking for other adults who are active on the platform and blog about fashion, life, hobbies, etc! I especially love j-fashion, kawaii life, and anime but I'd love to read about other fashions and life stuff as well! 

If this is you please comment or send me a friend request :D I love reading about other people's lives and hobbies so I figured this would be a good place to find other people who love to blog ^_^

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Reply by SamIRL


I'm not an adult, but I wrote blog posts about fashion!! =]

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