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nostalgic games

Posted by NinedrawXD


Forum: Games

Gamers, assemble! :D

Yo, fellow gamers. I was thinking about old games and got a bit nostalgic. :3

What’s a game that instantly takes you back to your childhood? :o

I mean PS2 classics, GameCube gems, DS games, Flash games we played in school, or anything that kept you hooked back then. :P

Drop your favorites below. Extra points if you still remember cheat codes. ;)


[NinedrawXD] :3

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Reply by Reese2500


putt putt saves the zoo, blue dragon and starcraft are the most nistolgic for me :)

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Reply by adventurelinetm


Super Monkey Ball for the GameCube is my ultimate nostalgic game since it was the first one I ever played. Also Sonic Heroes which is my favourite Sonic game despite it being one of the worst controlled games I think I've ever played. Flash games like Duck Life bring back memories of when everyone in my class would race to see who could beat it first. I got second. I also spent a lot of time in school playing Super Smash Flash with my mates. I also have a lot of nostalgia for the PS2. Whilst I never really latched onto the games, the actual system menu and the startup theme will be permanently burned into my brain.

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