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There's no health forum so here we are

Posted by Kelly


Forum: Life

This is for people who have ever had a laparoscopic appendectomy.

Can you tell me your experiences?

 How long did the pain linger for? What did you do to either help with the pain?
How long did swelling persist? -- My left side is still pretty swollen and tender in some positions.

If I walk for too much I become pretty sore and have pressure on my left side..

Just curious if anyone has experienced the same.

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Reply by Åndi [Hobbit]


I'm unfamiliar with this, and would like to know more.

What is this that you have overcome? And congratulations on your recovery!

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Reply by Megz


No I haven't but I did have my gallbladder removed. It felt weird as heck. Also I suggest gas ex or something to help get the extra gas and bloating down. That might help. I know it was a while before I felt normal again. 

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Reply by pooka


I might need laparoscopic surgery soon.  It feels like it's taking a long time to get an appointment.  I have malfunctions of a TMI nature.  

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