Hey! It might be obviously cuz of my profile pic, but my favorite game is Resident Evil... I think the remakes have been made so good for the franchise, specially RE2 remake... But I think that RE8 and RE4 remake were just a way for Capcom to make money by the nostalgia... RE4 remake do not present us a revolutionary idea or improve pre-existent things as RE2r do... And RE8 is a copy of RE4!! I would say that people only liked it because of graphics... And it is unfair! RE7 was such a well done game... It has pretty photos, an extremely complex idea that connects perfectly with the umbrella lore and other characters's trajectories since Chris is in the game and explain the connections to Ethan, but even though people insists in deify average games... And pay attention... Average... Not bad. Im not saying that those two are poorly made as it was RE3r... But it is my opinon... I would love to talk with more RE fans about this topic!!