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Issues with Firefox tracker protection and images in comments

If anyone here is using Firefox to browse SpaceHey and images in comments aren't loading for you, you'll have to disable "Enhanced Tracking Proctection" for the site!

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Reply by An


That's strange!
SpaceHey doesn't use any Trackers whatsoever!
I'm using Firefox myself and there are no problems...
Could you please send me some more details? E.g. the direct Image URLs which aren't working?
Thanks a lot!

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Reply by Lydia Bea KittyCat


Thanks for your reply! It seemed to be all images getting flagged but this was the one that I first noticed it happening with (a friend pointed out the image in the CSS thread and I thought I was losing my mind because I couldn't find it)

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There currently seems to be an issue with loading pictures in profile comments/bulletin replies across the baord. I am using Chrome. Yesterday I was unable to load pics into comments but I could post one in a bulletin (but not a bulletin reply). My friend joined SpaceHey last night but is unable to upload a profile picture. 

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