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To the current job seekers

To all those currently looking for a job right now I just want to say don’t give up!! You can do this , I know with the pandemic it definitely changed the job market game . After sending hundreds of applications and getting no responses it can make you feel hopeless .  I started my new job 2 weeks ago , I spent a good 6 months applying to places . 

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Reply by Carlin Covello


don't worry, i won't give up. around march or april i'll start looking for jobs again. the question is, what are the current/future job trends so i can plan on what to do here?! that's what i need to know..................

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Reply by Sevyn


I haven't worked in two years, and I'm in a position where I need to work again. It is fucking brutal out here. The jobs i qualify for barely pay for me to survive and it's just me and my partner. Kudos to anyone trying to do this with kids. 

Thank you for the encouragement 🔆

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Reply by Ai


I had to find a side hustle cause my part time job isn't cutting it even though I still can't afford to pay all my bills I might just get this unemployment and start this small business

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Reply by Helios (he)


Jobs aren't even hiring like they say they are. There's nothing to even "give up" on.

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Reply by Em0princess666


dude finding a job is really hard but also i need my own income,,, i cant afford to study yet i need to in order to persue my goals and have a job i know i will genuinely fall in love with and studying will make me focus on my goals properly rather than having one off stupid abusive kitchen jobs .... its not fair

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Reply by Doug


For those looking for jobs try reaching out to me I can offer you lucrative jobs and it’s a remote job so you don’t have to work yourselves out 

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Reply by Aesu


its getting pretty hard, i understand that the field im trying to get into is complicated but if a kid three years younger then me can do it why can't I?

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Reply by Kit


Regrettably, I actually had to give up job searching to take care of a family member cause of ✨cancer✨

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Reply by e


even tho im going back to school i worry about having to get a job then to keep the bills afloat... job hunting for even side gigs has been horrible

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