"reminiscing" might not be the word im looking for since i'm only an '04 baby, but man i've been on a kick about 2000s scene & emo culture for the past few days.
i got the flu from my mom a week ago now and only recently started feeling better, but for about 3-4 of those days ive been down the rabbithole of nearly every elder emo i could find reuploading their nostalgic teen years and myspace memories on tiktok. i discovered scene & emo culture when i was about 6 and have on and off longed to be just like those kids over the years. seeing former scene/emo kids old photos and videos of what life was like gives me my own sense of nostalgia and the intense envy my 6 year old self felt.
i wasnt super late to the period of time where this style was rampant online but i was much too young to express myself in the way these teens did. im not gonna go on to say i was born in the wrong decade or anything like that but i so badly wish i could replicate that experience. that was my version of the "cool teens you look up to as a kid" except i didnt grow up to be like them like i hoped because things changed and they changed FAST. technology, society, life in general it all looked so much different so suddenly. i just cant help but punch the air about it lmao.
this is pretty much how i found myself back on this website after discovering it a year ago. im sure a lot of people have found themselves here for similar reasons as well. so until they invent time machines, this will do for now. and if you've made it this far into my rant and you happen to be an adult wishing they lived the emo/scene teen life of their dreams then lets be friends <3