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Reply by vancruejovi


What's been on your song/album rotations recently? :)

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Reply by vancruejovi


I've been listening to a lot of Siouxsie Sioux and Depeche Mode recently while I've been working. Highly recommed they're so relaxing but also groovy enough where you don't fall asleep lol

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Reply by _x3m0_


Been really digging Cheap Thrill's metalcore stuff as well as alot of new metal that's been coming out recently. and greeley estates :)

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Reply by vancruejovi


@_x3m0_ ooh I'll have to check them out!! I've been working on an emo/metalcore/etc playlist based on my mp3 player from when I was little so I've been listening to a lot of classic Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine and Hawthorne Heights and stuff that was on there. I'll totally check them out! Any songs you'd reccommend? :) 

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