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AskSpacehey - question 2

Posted by wimpie


Forum: AskSpacehey Group

HELLO everyone!

This is the SECOND entry in my AskSpacehey blog!

What in your opinion is the single greatest achievement of the recent decade?

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4 Replies

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Reply by picmiz


I wouldn't say the "greatest", but one of the most impressive has got to be AI... Controversial, I know!!! Yes, it sucks in a LOT of ways, and it can be bad for the environment. But it's hard to deny how much of a technological advancement it is. Im both curious and scared about how it may evolve in the next decade... 

Also I think AI has existed for much much longer but like. you know what I mean

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Reply by IoNout


The james webb telescope is super cool! it also gives us more opportunities to study planetary things and gives us suuuper cool pictures. I can't wait to see what research is dones using it. Other than that all the other stuff is trash... :/

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Reply by Ceci


the nintendo switch /hj

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Reply by ☆ Sonic !!


The Europa Clipper mission's launch 

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