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🎵 yume ship playlists

Posted by appledog


Forum: yume/selfship farm Group

hei hei hei, yume farmers...! how are you doing tonight?

it's a very gloomy night where i am currently, making it the perfect weather to work and listen to music. it got me thinking, do any of you have playlists dedicated to your yume ship? 

personally, i have a couple! my favorite might be my benkko playlist for my benny self ship... for any big country fans, you might like it! i'm still shocked that has as many saves as it does.

another one that i've been meaning to put together was my verkko playlist for my vergil playlist. a lot moodier, more dark. it's meant to be listened to in order, just because it starts really soft then builds up and then gets soft again. i find that fun.

Share your playlists!! Why'd you pick the songs you did? Were you going for a certain mood, or were you focused more on genre? Lyrics? What's your favorite song off the playlist? 

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