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Why cars are so ugly now??

Posted by Broshua


Forum: Life

If you see the design of the cars in the 90's/2000's, they're so much intreresting and unique!

Nowadays all cars looks the same and doesnt do anything interesting or special whith them.

Idk wich way is going all the electric car but its definetly worse than before.

Seres, la nueva marca de coches eléctricos con el Seres 3 a la cabeza

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Reply by choso


A major factor, in my opinion, is safety regulations, which require cars to be wider and have softer front ends to reduce harm to pedestrians. Also, mass production seems to favour more uniform and 'boring' designs with fewer unique elements, and many companies, I think, are trying to achieve a futuristic, minimalist aesthetic, aiming for a 'spaceship' look. 

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Reply by Max


Also its because car companies try to apeal to more wider audience, so they change the look of a car to be more pleasent to day to day life. (For example look up evolution of Mitsubishi Eclipse)

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