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Portrait Photography

I personally love going out into the city with a model and finding the best spots to shoot! What kind of Portrait Photography and why? 

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Reply by NinjaKat2


Reply by Jinnicide


Post your work :)

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Reply by Waylon


I mostly photograph cars and nature.  I have been consistently photographing at Northwood University International Auto Show.  It is the largest continuously active new car show in the United States and it is fully student run.

Thanks to the shows, I have managed to capture, Vipers, Koenigsegg, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bugatti, Auburn, Deusenberg, Mclaren and Porsche.  The combined value of 3 cars I shot this past year thanks to the show was about 40 million dollars.

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Reply by Jinnicide


90% of the posts in this thread are spam :(

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Reply by milkman


I'll post something here to get the ball actually rolling on showing work as opposed to...whatever is going on here lol.

I shoot both on-location and in-studio.

But primarily shoot portraiture.

Here is some of my studio work.

And some on-location work.

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