« Art and Photography Forum

Old Phone Pics

Posted by Ayn


Forum: Art and Photography

I think photos taken on older phones are adorable, and in sharing some of my recent ones I'd like to see if anybody else has got some too :) I've got the Kazuna eTalk, here's some of my favorites:

My cat all tucked in

Rainbow lights from Astronomy classCat outside my windowCat faceLight coming through my window onto flowersNick Shoulders concertMelissa Ethridge concert

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Reply by Hyuna.net


I don't but I absolutely love the look of old cameras and films. I think there's a certain charm about it that you definitely capture in your photos! I'm also super jealous you have a cat >︿<

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Reply by FRESH


the quality sure was something else at that time. but i love blurry cat pictures

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Reply by flshsuit
