a good way to find friends believe it or not is by finding people who also want to find friends (who knew :p?). a really good way to do this is by going to the 'friends' forum, and sorting it by recent topics. the following posts will be somewhat recent posts with little to no comments usually made by people looking for friends, so its a good place to browse. you can also do this but in forums that revolve around a topic you're intrested in if you want a less broad option.
there's a feature that as far as I know was active for a bit, but isn't anymore due to it being broken. this feature is the 'advanced search' option in the search tab, and even though you can't use it I think I found an alternative. this will clog up your search history, but you can kind of just search a few words pertaining to your intrests and adding 'spacehey' after it. you will find profiles of people who like thoes things, but this is far from a perfect method due to the fact it's very likely the accounts that show up are older and innactive.
do it the old fasioned way! :D. I personally think that its fun to go to the browse tab, and looking through whatever profiles catch my eye till I find someone intresting. it takes a while, but personally I think this is actually one of the best ways to find other people to friend.
imo this is kind of a last resort option (not that there's any shame in it lol), but something a lot of people like to do is post their spacehey URL on off platform sites. I'm pretty sure the most popular place to do this on is the spacehey reddit, but you could do it anywhere idc I'm not the posting your spacehey URL police.