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Can't change Layout...

Posted by Nachzehrerchen


Forum: SpaceHey


I somehow can't change the Layout of my profile, even if I delete ALL of the text my Layout is still there and I don't want that. Maybe the Layout somehow got embedded into the site, because I also can't find the code in the profile customization. Is there a way to fix this?

OR is there a way to just completely reset your Spacehey profile?


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Reply by sudofry


It looks like you added your layout code with the mobile app, which puts the code into a different section. You should be able to remove the current layout from the mobile app and I think that will fix your issue.

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Reply by Nachzehrerchen


I didn't add it with the mobile app but I'll still try!

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Reply by sudofry


If you go to Edit Profile (in the mobile app), then click on the Design tab, then Custom Code at the bottom. You should find your code living in there.

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