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pixel idle animations pt.1

Posted by MrKha


Forum: Art and Photography

decided to make a few simple and short pixel idle animations!

feel free to criticize, cuz trust me, i could really use some feedback!!!

going for a rather limited color palette for my style, around 3-4
colors, a NES-esque style if you will (willy wonka is the only exception
to this rule since i wanted to play around with pixel shading a bit
which i feel like it failed a little lolz)

will definitely release a second batch some day!

Row (left to right): Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory),
Onodera PunPun (Goodnight PunPun), Dr Frank-n-Furter (The Rocky Horror
Picture Show).

Bottom Row (left to right): MF DOOM, Abraham Lincoln (Clone High)

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