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How do people feel abt the Vriska redemption thing

Basically what they did for her in HS2

Idk for me I kinda dislike it I feel like the writers Kinda glaze vriska and give wayyy too much attention to her but thats my opinion

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Reply by ectoBiologist


take my opinion with a grain of salt since i haven't actually read hs2 all the way through (just read summaries), but it feels like a bit of an arbitrary way to get this vriska to the point of character development that (vriska) had. from what i've seen, they're doing a good job in how they're going about it and the writing is good, but the overall narrative back and forth with vriska's character ever since the start of act 6 has always been kind of... =_= to me.

i really think that vriska facing consequences in act 5 and getting killed by terezi, and her completing her character arc through settling down with ghost john and starting anew with him was where it should've left off for her. ghost vriska going through the motion of trying to become plot relevant again via the ghost army and then eventually settling down with meenah was just... the same sort of character arc, but again. so now we're doing it again, with vriska wanting to become plot relevant (literally going into the Plot Point) and learning how to settle down. AGAIN!!!

third time's the charm i guess?

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Reply by ponyluver69


I agree with what you said

I didn't like her writing or "redemption" in hs2 at all, it felt like uncanny to her character lamfoo

I'm all for character development i think im just super picky when it comes to vriska

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