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Imagine being too anxious to befriend ppl on here (literally me)

Posted by M4sk3d_M1nu5!


Forum: Friends

I dunno why Ig I'm just scared to talk to someone just for them to turn out to be some 40 year old man ;_;

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Reply by luchi


omg sameee like I don't even know how i'm supposed to make friends here

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Reply by '*•.¸♡Jessi♡¸.•*'


True omg this is the problem with this kind of social media.. you HAVE to post something or befriend someone and start a chat to make friends :')

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Reply by Laneee :3


I just add randoms and chat with someone until we click lol. I feel like people are a lot nicer here than on things like Twitter. The main issue I have ran into is only like 5% of spacehey's user base being active. You always see the same ppl posting and you eventually run out of people to talk to. Feel free to DM if ur bored!! I'm almost always on from 9am-3pm est :p

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Reply by mechizz


Most of the times on this type of sites you have to initiate the convo or post something and just cross your fingers and hope people will see it! anyways if ur looking for friends feel free to add me as I'm mostly active

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