Any LGBTQ+ individual is welcome to respond. Your opinion is valid, but my gay men out there, what're your thoughts on being gay and dating? Do you find it easy? Hard? Any wild stories?
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Dating thoughts?
13 Replies
Reply by NosyCat
Dating? What's that? If it wasn't for the internet I'd have no love life.
Reply by Linda
I was in 7th grade, a few days after my birthday I got a message from a girl wishing me a "late happy birthday" and started flirting with me. She was a friend of a friend. I liked her back and we hit it off, but as soon as we met we didn't have anything to talk about. That continued for every other meetup. I didn't wanna rush into a relationship without knowing if we can even communicate normally. She didn't understand and was pushing me into a relationship (like asking every single day), that bugged me off, so I ended communication. I think her friends hate me now.
Reply by Crow
i’m nonbinary transmasc but being afab in the dating scene everyone viewed me as my birth gender and it was absolutely terrible. then i met my now bf and he loves me for who i am and i feel seen and heard by him. really just gotta find the right person
Reply by Kori
the last relationship i was in was 2 years ago. I haven't been able to go on a date since then and i can't stop thinking about that dude. I've tried dates since then, maybe had 2 but they didn't lead to anything at all. I kinda just gave up on trying and am focused on money and my career, no time for heartbreaks or bullshit.
Reply by ThatLionLoser
Reply by BudderPecan
Reply by donnie ☆
Reply by This Is A 🏳🌈 Name :3
i dated a non-bianary person, but that's it :| (they were really nice tho, we just lost contact) my pan ass just never talks to anybody.
Reply by Salvo
Currently it's awful being a gay man and dating where I live. I live in the middle of nowhere and it's a very bigoted area. A lot of people here don't take kind to LGBTQ+ Folk so I haven't really been able to venture out and explore more.
Reply by e
lesbian who hasnt been in a relationship in over 3 years, and I'm probably gonna keep it that way for now. dating's not necessarily hard, but it's a quite frustrating social process that can really drain you if you're at it for a while. In the periods of times I tried to go on dates again, I could only keep up with it for a month before I burnt out and deleted my dating apps. as of about a year ago i permanently deleted all my dating app profiles and am just spending time with friends and trying to grow as a person.
unfortunately dont have any wild date stories to share though
Reply by UMI_SHR00M
I am BI and a closeted Trans man (FTM) and I haven't dated in 2 years and I'm getting really lonely and feeling unloved and a freak bc I'm alternative a therian and bisexual and trans.. so I have been getting desperate and I'm ashamed because I love like a dog:( but I have an amazing BFF:3
Reply by Mark:3
im a gay trans guys, i don't pass as well as i want to so dating has always been hard. i just need a biker guy to come into my life already</33
Reply by Beans
My idea on dating is you don't have to if you don't want to, let's be real hafe of the time anyone trys dating it's because they wanna feel normal I have, dated someone before but it didn't end well