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What are some of the most creative fursonas you've seen?

As much as the furry fandom loves a good wolf, fox, dog, or cat. We also have a lot of really interesting "rarer" species we sometimes see. Do you guys have any favourites?

Personally I really like birdsonas. Or buggysonas!
I think the suits people make of these guys are gorgeous and require a ton of artistic and sewing skill to do right, plus people who have buggysonas tend to have really cool fursona designs (totally not biased >:3) Like c'mon? Moth sonas? Adorable!

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Reply by furhad


blue canines, can't be more creative than that! /j

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Reply by Trzyk


def binturongs they look so silly x3 i got so inspired i made my on bint, also wolverines, saw only few of them

i also love hybrids with antlers and/or multiple ears ;3

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