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Doubting God

Posted by Jaque Mateo


Forum: Religion and Philosophy

I think no matter how many times I say I dont believe in God or think that christianituy is untrue, there's always the tought in the back of my head saying that I am wrong and I will end up in hell. The problem is, I have many doubts even tho I want to believe, I truly do but I've done so much questioning I cant see God the same as I did before. Some say, "Better believe so you don't end up in hell, just to be sure." But I cannot believe in someone out of fear of going to hell, that wouldn't be a 100% fiathful. If I beleive in someone I want to truly feel it in my heart, to not doubt them every damn second, but I'm too far gone into the many unanswered questions I've been having all these years, or rather, the answers I get back don't really satisfy me enough to bring my belief back. I want to believe in the so called God all mighty again but I am afraid I'll never be sure of him once more and it will be too late for me. And once I die there will only be one way to know how wrong or right I was all along.

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Reply by swagkittie


I have a similar problem

I've always been told that i need to believe and follow Jesus with my full heart and never even doubting if it's worth it or anything.

But the thing is i never followed Jesus since i didn't even really feel the need to.
Like yeah i know i'm going to hell but is it even worth trying cause i don't even want to?
I literally followed Jesus since everyone expected me to and everyone told me that i'm fvcked if i don't.

So rn i'm just debating if i should die or live waiting for my inevitable doom.

Like i believe in God and all but i can't follow him.

It sucks fr

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Reply by earth2mia


believing out of fear instead of faith is, in my opinion, a waste of time. just live your life how you want, even if chrisitianity is right this is your one life as you on earth.

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Reply by mikedakisan


Ah, I see how you feel. I believe though I do have a remedy in hand my friend.
You see, God is described as an almighty being, one who transcends time, yada yada yada all the same theological bullshit you'll hear time and time again. On this exact theorem (and the belief that if you "sin" you will be sent to Hell for eternity) has its basis the so-called Pascal's Wager. Pascal's Wager?? But what is that? And who is Pascal?? (This gambling addict who somehow managed to bring gambling into faith??)
To boil it down, Pascal's Wager proposes this: Since we don't imperially know with certainty if God truly exists (and we can never know) and we also know that if he DOES exist, "shall you sin you shall boil for fucking eternity", we are left with 4 possibilities: 1. God exists and you don't believe, so you sin and off to hell you go! 2. God exists and you believe so you probably go to Heaven or something. 3. God doesn't exist and you don't believe, so... nothing fucking changes. 4. God doesn't exist and you did believe, and.. you just wasted your life. Congrats!

This wager though is quickly debunked by the fact that, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to be pure. Not only that, but due to the fact that there are so many religions out there, there are conflicts, and where there are conflicts, is more uncertainty, which brings more possibilities which in itself... And off it goes you live your life in constant fear of the unknown!

What many scholars fail to notice though, is that their own definition of God manages to overcome Pascal's Wager. I'll put it to you simply. God is an almighty, all powerful, all knowing and all enlightened being. Let's say you are a dad. Your child fucks up. It could be anything, from the most simple like spilling some milk on your new carpet to hitting a child on the playground. Our all-enlightened being's first reaction (based on most religions by the way!) is to send its kin directly to burn on the stake forever. He doesn't really sound like a great dad now does he...
That's the problem with most religions and belief systems. We are assuming our "God" acts more human, than he is. We can't know anything about him. Even if we see signs or miracles, we can never know for sure what they mean or what "God" is doing. You can't understand a 3d system if you are in a 2d system, just like we can't understand the 4 dimensions, because we are living in 3 (even though we understand it might exist!).

Sorry for the yapping, it came off a bit too many words... :P

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