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The Hypocrisy of the LEFT 🇺🇸

Posted by Anna Mae


Forum: News and Politics

A place to VENT for those of us who are actually paying attention and SEE THIS BULLSHIT!

To clarify I mean the Left in America. 

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Reply by Anna Mae



But Trump "incited violence" and an "insurrection." 


And meanwhile in Portland... 

Mmhm but we aren't talking about that are we?

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Reply by Anna Mae


I know a decent bit about that bit because I was paying attention more around that time. The BLM riots were ASININE, and the Left is simply using them to meet their own ends. Its completely disgusting. And when you pay attention, leftists, especially liberals/SJWs are more often outright RACIST than anyone else. That's one thing I HAVE been paying attention to in the last decade. This whole "woke" bullshit. The shit they're trying to force in the public school system is just fucking insane. But tell that to a leftist and you'll be labeled a white-supremacist-nazi-racist-bigot. "Racism in America" is just their big excuse. Just like they use poor people, which incidentally coincides. They've capitalized on minorities' fears & struggles to push more control and create "cancel culture". I could say a whole lot more about that but my brain is mush because I just spent 4hrs on the phone ranting & my munchkins will be waking in a few hours so my silly ass needs to go to sleep already. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Their latest term for that is "Multiracial Whiteness". It absolutely disgusts me that they (the left) SILENCE the voices of the minority groups that they claim to champion. That says a lot more about their character than it does us supposedly white supremacist conservatives character. 

I fully understand how they make you feel when you don't follow the narrative. I have been being told by Feminists & SJWs for years now that I am a traitor to womankind simply because I don't buy into the idea that we are victims of the "Patriarchy". I've been told I am oppressed and when I rejected that they said I was just brainwashed and mysoginistic. I've been told I support the oppression of women because I CHOSE to be a stay at home mom and a wife. Because I happen to LIKE my children and want to give them the best of me and I happened to be able to make that work with my husband's reluctant support (he wasn't particularly traditional).

Anyone who doesn't support their narrative is either just too stupid to understand they're being oppressed or is a white-supremacist-nazi-sexist-homophobic-transphobic-xenophobic-bigot. 

It never occurs to them that we simply are just as capable of thinking for ourselves as anyone else is and we have come to a different conclusion. That we simply don't buy into the victim mindset. That maybe, just MAYBE "they" don't know whats best for EVERYONE. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


We all learn and grow, there's no shame in that. 

And yes, it IS other women! I have yet to ever feel oppressed or abused by men just happening to be male, but women sure as fuck have silenced me, shamed me, and tried to punish me for what they claimed to fight for my right to choose for myself. 

There's so much more to it all but I'm distracted arm so I'll comment on it more when my brain is fully functioning lol. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


What modern feminists can't seem to grasp is that we have already reached our goal. Women are free to be whomever and whatever they want to be. We have CHOICES and our voices are more than heard. 

Are there still problems? Things that may be unfair? Of course there are. But the same can be said for any group of people. Men, minorities, the poor, etc. Life simply isn't fair. But the fact of the matter is - we have already reached the "equality" goal.

What modern feminism wants isn't equality - its superiority. Which sadly in our society we already have in a lot of ways. 

Although I kinda wish I could go back to a time where all I really had to bitch about was feminism lol. Simpler times. 

Thing is, when they envision me, it seems they see some 50's style house wife or a miserable depressed frumpy mom who's forced to be there, has no social life, and cries every night about her dreams going down the toilet. 

I am neither. 

I am not a Suzy homemaker or Martha Stewart. I'm not crafty. I don't look great in dresses and stumble in heels. My cooking skills aren't stellar. And the only place I'm submissive is in the bedroom and that's by choice lol. 

I'm also not miserable. I do struggle with depression but that has nothing to do with my choice to stay home and my husband surely didn't force that on me. Quite the opposite in fact, we had to hash that one out pretty hard. I'm not STUCK at home with my kids - I am BLESSED to be home with my kids. I actually LIKE my kids (most of the time lol)

One thing I knew from the get go was that I had ZERO interest in being a career woman. The only thing I ever really wanted was a family. A husband. Kids. Love. And a simple life. I chose to make that happen for myself. I have just always been a mother, since the time I was little, it's who I am, my calling if you will. So much so that I didn't just have kids of my own, I've always taken care of everyone else's as well and even had foster kids. It fills me with joy to be surrounded by tiny humans, to help them learn and grow, to shape the future in my own way - at home. It fulfills me, stimulates my brain, and it makes me HAPPY.  

No one ever forced me or brainwashed me into it, I just knew myself and did what was going to lead me to a satisfying life, according to MY OWN STANDARDS. 

But modern feminists simply can't accept that. 

And another point - I don't WANT to be a man nor do I want my man to be any less of a man. Sounds like a common sense statement but feminism has made it a crime to be a man, a traitorous act to be feminine, and are adding to the agenda to destroy the family. I may not be good at being a female but I damn well enjoy it. And I definitely enjoy my man being a MAN. Its almost rare these days for men to be comfortable being themselves. Because feminism and "toxic masculinity". I mean more power to them if they wanna be with women or feminine men but... I'll stick with a man who knows what he is and embraces it (and me in them big strong arms #swoon lol). 

I've been "anti-feminist" for my entire adult life. I love women but I can't get behind that bullshit. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Imagine being so niave as to think they're not. What kind of crack are you smoking dude?

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


Hypocrites don’t care about hypocrisy. Pointing it out to them is pointless 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Obviously. This is just a place to vent, not a place to convince them of their hypocrisy. 

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Reply by KLCY


everyone itt should take the time to read the Combahee River Collective Statement 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Thanks for the recommendation, but no thanks love. I don't support feminism as it is today. I love women & will always help my fellow human out where I can but I can't support what modern feminism stands for in this day and age. 

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Reply by Danny, Why?


In my country (Germany), most liberals are actually right-winged.

Some liberals even collaborate with AFD here. (AFD is an right-winged nationalist party in germany)

I am Pro Antifa and don't like right-winged stuff.

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Reply by Anna Mae


From now on I'm gonna do my level best to ignore commies & rabid leftists. Conversations with them never go anywhere but in circles and end in someone (anyone who isn't going with the popular narrative) being labeled some form of a racist or some shit. I don't feel like giving nutjobs a sense of validity. Damn pigeons with diarrhea.   Since the block feature doesn't work great on here yet I figure the next best thing is starving them of the attention they so desperately crave. 

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Reply by Nein MC


From now on I'm gonna do my level best to ignore commies & rabid leftists.
This isn't your blog, and you're like a poster child for Dunning-Krüger. You have wishy-washy "opinions" (I hesitate to call it that, since there doesn't seem to be a thought process attached) you cannot articulate coherently, and post them on a forum, ostensibly to discuss them, but at the slightest hint of resistance you just tuck your tail and pretend you COULD argue your way out of a wet paperbag -- you just don't want to. Yeah, right.

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Reply by DaveyB


I like your opinions Anna Mae.  To me what you say is well spoken...and with much truth.  Good take on the matters at hand going on now.

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Reply by Anna Mae


Aw thanks DaveyB. I try. I'm still ignorant about a lot & am still new to politics so I'm not always as well spoken or well educated on specifics as I'd like to be but its all part of the learning process. I try to make this clear to people but everyone likes to be on their high horse so its whatever. 

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Reply by Forrest


lmfao shut up

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Reply by Anna Mae


Eat a bag of moldy dicks, just like yours, ya broken douche nozzle. ✌

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Reply by Forrest


How very pre-teen of you.

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Reply by Natty


Hey, happy to see this forum!!! 

We should all hate less and love more. 

The hypocrisy is something though. And the projection! Not all leftists, of course, but the hardcore leftists for sure. I don't think they even see it. They're so filled with hate, they believe the hate-filled narratives being spoon-fed to them, they aren't willing to consider others' opinions or perspectives if it deviates from their own. 

I think the real problem is the cancel-culture that has become normal. An intelligent person is open-minded and willing to consider all sides, willing to be wrong, and isn't obsessed with being right/proving themselves right. Too much ego in our society, that and a lack of accountability, responsibility, and basic human respect. A difference of opinion should not be grounds for dismissing someone. That is about as stupid as it gets. 

I think all us humans can do is be kind, be a light, and hope that people see it and respond to it!

Love and light  

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Reply by kay


i think u misread the webste name this is spacehey not 4chan hope this helps <3

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Reply by kay


i think u misread the webste name this is spacehey not 4chan hope this helps <3

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Reply by souprat


there are definitely flaws within the online leftist spaces, for sure,,, however i think youve completely missed the mark with whats wrong with certain online communities and you ended up sounding like a 15-year-old's anti-sjw channel from 2016... not even going to bother retorting what youve said since there are plenty of answers to these """"arguments"""" against the left online at your disposal. plus, if what you said is true and you do have kids to take care of, then it would make sense as to why you wouldnt have had the time to do even the most basic of research. wouldnt be shocked if youre just regurgitating whatever fox news or whatnot has thrown your way. 

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Reply by Helios (he)


There are definitely issues within leftist spaces, but I will say we have way more of an accountability system to get things resolved.

Meanwhile, at least the left is vaccinated. Y'all are dropping like flies.

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Reply by Smxth



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Reply by Philip Balestriere


Liberalism is a mental disorder

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Reply by Vigilante Stylez


Anyone who supports the "LEFT" failed history class.  

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Reply by ⛧.TROY B.⛧


So you're one of those screaming Right Wing cunts that make the lives of us trying to bridge this monumental gap so much harder.

There will never be peace between Liberals and Conservatives because you screaming maggots are too caught up your own assholes, conspiracy theories and targeted opinions of what a liberal even is, to see the fact that this hate between the parties has been carefully orchestrated to inspire dissonance among the American people to keep us docile.

Shut up and "pay attention" for once and you might just see that there's millions of us trying to connect with one another to come to an understanding and mutual respect for each other.

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Reply by zsofi


babe what.

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Reply by Lisa Mordri


I hope to learn more but a lot has not really happened here 

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Reply by lilynut


get some bitches

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Reply by 曹倫宜


some people on here need to touch grass or get back on twitter

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Reply by Boris Grishenko


haha why is this Anna Mae guy so crazy?

is your land getting forcibly taken away by the government or something?
are you making net negative in income because of taxes levied on you because of your race/gender?
or are you just mad cause people on TV mad and they made you get mad and you're angry cause reading books hurts your head?

Anna Mae, seek help. This insanity of yours is not a strength, but it is a kind of infirmity.

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Reply by breachtonez


god damn you ppl dumb as fuck :3

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Reply by Eleven


So Pelosi said president Trump could not do exactly what Biden just did. She either lied then or Biden broke/twisted the law when forgiving student loans. 

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Reply by 6eupion


trump makes the right wing look bad

biden makes the left wing look bad

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Reply by Dddylx5zro5


I would hope Biden would make the left wing look bad, considering he is no way shape or form left wing. At all.

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Reply by TerrorxAkira


Lmao these are the same mfs who get absolutely pissed when someone says “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas” 

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Reply by Stanley


this is why brazilians hate you stupid gringos

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Reply by cvpid444


to be fair, dems I feel are like center right. like yeah they think the gays are cool but let's be fair, when has the president in the USA really been behind the LGBT, homeless ppl, retired military, poc, etc etc. The USA is built off of hypocrisy and lies so im not surprised. both serve one goal and its to keep the rich richer and poor poorer. 

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Reply by Lawrence


Trump 2024!🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Reply by tumzam8


conservatives are the stupide

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Reply by XUHCK



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Reply by Astrid_xd


Reply by Astrid_xd


Reply by boshi


Democrats are not "the left"

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Reply by charxol



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Reply by Kira


Reply by R00by!


Alright gramps, get to bed.

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Reply by Hatefulnateful


I feel like op house smells like cigarettes and mold 

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Reply by Reagan


Trump/Vivek 2024!

- The LEFT lets millions of illegal immigrants cross the southern border, but then liberal mayors lose their minds when the illegals move into their cities (New York, Chicago, etc.). 

- The LEFT shoplift and break windows and then complain when those stores close because of their shoplifting and violence. 

- The LEFT politicians oppose our right to bear arms and support the defunding of police, but they all have armed guards protecting them. 

- The LEFT politicians told us all to mask up and social distance for COVID, and then were photographed out having a good (mask-less) time with their colleagues. 

- The LEFT politicians want companies to pay higher minimum wage, but they themselves coerce interns to work for them for FREE.

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