I found this really cute layout by a user named Bela, and I wanted to mod it to fit my profile a bit better. I've been using SpaceHey CSS (Spacehey CSS preview thingy) and Google Docs to edit the code and check the changes.
But I think I might have messed up the code somehow? The code is mostly the same besides a few tweaks, and I'm wondering if I erased or changed something important.
Here are pictures and descriptions of all the issues:
Everything starts out fine and normal until you start scrolling...
And for some reason the code for the orange borders doesn't work for these sections. It just shows a rounded blue border and the backgrounds for the headers and the interests text.
Again, weird blue border for the links section and header background for the friend space. Another problem is that the "About me/Who I'd like to meet" headers won't show the same color as the other headers, and the friends' names are supposed to be the same color as text. In the code, I used var(--headers) / var(--text) respectively for their colors, and switching them out for color codes doesn't fix the problem either.
Here the border is fine but it still shows the background for the header. And for some reason the names are actually the same as the text color, but they weren't in the last section.
Here's the link to a Word doc with both Bela's code and mine: https://1drv.ms/w/c/8ad955e3290eaa0a/EcEQAddV_21OvEihReRlW5sB0onpRRjZkINYsDig2w5bPw?e=hN6uzq
I know some things are a SpaceHey CSS website issue (like the different color links in the nav bar and the font difference), and there are some other problems I can fix on my own. But I don't think these issues are a website issue because the original code works just fine.
I know I must've made a mistake but I can't figure out what. It would really help to get a new perspective on this, and I'd really appreciate it if someone were to help me out with this! Thanks!