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Formatting Memory Cards?

Posted by Xx_Sc3nz0_xX


Forum: Games

whenever you buy a memory card for a console second hand do you:

delete all the saves on it to start fresh, or keep the saves?

kinda curious what everyone else does because I recently bought a black PS1 memory card to go with my PS2. However, it already has a bunch of Final Fantasy saves on it where the previous owner had spend 99 hours on it apparently. I think for that reason alone, I feel a little bad about deleting them xd.

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Reply by Weeze


Depends on the saves on the card. If I have a game for the save I'll keep it but I generally format the card

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Reply by R00by!


If it's a game I play a bunch I'll check where they were then either delete or back it up just for shits and giggles

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