Topic: Our Descent into Communism (U.S.A.)

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Reply by Austin_KornClown7


harold staam

Well said!

There are so many people there that just don't have the capacity to understand or are so far gone and brainwashed into thinking everything is communism or socialism without even understanding what those are. 

American has no left wing. We are so far scewed right that basic left of center modern views outside the US are considered far left here... 

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Reply by Mr. Tarot the boy


please stfu you sound crazy

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Reply by crazyboi


Every single country or state that wants more power and control will start with taking arms, it is a must that people not give up their arms.

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Reply by MiMi𖤐



not the red scare..L + that's not what communism is bozo

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Reply by nicholas


lmfao, this thread is comical. i honestly wish that the sort of shit y'all said was true, unfortunately, its just a disillusioned reality built off of people who REALLY dont know what they're talking about.

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Reply by DraftDraft


so tell me, why do you think communism is bad?

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Reply by z3n0c1de


Reading your replies, and the way you seem to ignore other peoples good points.. I get the feeling your a pre-teen who just discovered politics via 4chan or something and watched a few youtube video essays and thinks they are incredibly educated. I'm in no way promoting communism, I don't agree with it, but god are you stupid. Learn before you speak?

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Reply by ♡ Aniela ♡


all what you said arent issues of communism by itself, but people abusing their power. Also: you fail to realize how most leftists arent communists. Im somewhere in the middle, more towards the left side and my opinion on communism is: the idea behind it was good, but the execution of it is gonna fail 90% of the time. Coming from someone who lived in a post-communist country, communism could possibly be a decent system if it was ¨watered down" a little. Some things were done too extreme and there were a lot of mistakes made by the government. Also, please dont act like you know everything, while youre american. Youve never experienced all the positives and negatives of communism. 

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Reply by 𝖇𝖚𝖌𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖗𝕿𝕾


lmao, these people telling us to ‘pick up a history book’ have likely never even heard any names like

fulgencio batista,
efraín ríos montt,
ngo dinh diem,
or yahya khan.

go ahead and read about how many people they’ve killed, in however many of the most gruesome and barbaric ways that people could use for killing.
and go read about why they did it,
before telling us to ‘read about history’.

you’re quite far from being qualified to tell anyone else about what they ought to believe

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Reply by Eleven


Dystopian Nightmare

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Reply by J O S H


Im sorry but if you think Joe Biden is a communist you should have stuck it out in high school and paid attention in class. Maybe learn how to read and date somebody that isnt your cousin. 

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Reply by HOUDINI Magazine


5 people got murdered for being LGBT last night. We are barreling towards fascism and posts like this are part of the problem.

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Reply by lydon bane johontser


im lyndon banes

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Reply by Kevin


I'm seeing blood libel tiers of slander against the queer community go mainstream, Fox News gleefully people like Libs of Tiktok who encourage bomb threats to children's hospitals while Tucker Carlson is referring to the USA as the "Wiemar Republic," and legal efforts from the right wing to hurt gay and trans people hit an all time high since the AIDS scare.

And... you think the left wing is winning? When we barely got a couple seats, and they're all milquetoast neoliberals rather than anyone resembling a socialist or communist?

You must be from a different planet entirely.

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Reply by ppgurl420


The right wing has been working for years to push people they dont like out of public space. We saw this with the push for an increase in the voting age when 29% of gen Z came out to vote for democrats in the midterm election. They're most recent culture war has been against trans people. The largest right wing candidates, and the only two that have any chance of winning presidency both want to stop gender transition for anyone of any age. They've been calling trans people pedophiles and child mutilators. If you're actually new to politics you should take a look at what political spaces you're involved with. If we look back at earlier fascist dictatorships, and how they started from democratic processes, it generally started with finding a group to demonize and then legislating them out of the public space. The right wing has found their group and its trans people. It was black people in the 1800s-60s, gay people in the 80s, but the overton window has moved and they need a new group. Theyd say things like, "they want to desecrate the family systems." or "the actions they engage in are degenerate" without actually substantiating anything, its all just "they make me feel icky".

You're right when you say "it could happen here" but about the wrong thing. Fascism and authoritarianism is the problem. Im not endorsing communism either because i dont think it is practical within our current system. There is nobody pushing for communism in mainstream media, not even popular leftist content creators. Hasan and Vaush for example push for Democratic Market Socialism because it is an improvement on our systems that can be achieved relatively easily via reforms in our current system. Addressing problems like homelessness, poverty, hunger, etc.. You can't just slip into communism like, "oops i slipped and now i'm all covered in communism." because it requires such extensive systemic change that i dont even think a violent revolution with a relatively supportive population, if it were possible, against the US would ever be able to bring it about in our current system.

I think you're engaging in the same kind of behavior because you're blindly accepting the media you're consuming and thinking that things that arent real problems are, or that problems that are simply dont have solutions. I noticed you quoted a nazi sympathizer, who later criticized his own actions after having been imprisoned for 8 years by the nazis, and his most famous quote was "first they came for the communists, and i did not speak." and my only thought is that this post has to be parody. You're either like a nazi guy shitposting so u can show ur friends u totally owned some liberals, or youre horribly mislead by the spaces you've been engaging with and the latter thought is just kind of sad. Both of them are pretty sad but the 2nd one is like disappointing sad. 

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Reply by ChairmanMeow


Your understanding of communism is flawed. The bigger a government is, is not a reflection of how far left or right they are. It is about the government themselves. The USSR had a communist led government, the US has a neoliberal at worst, progressive at best for the democrats, and liberals(not the American way we use liberal, the actual definition) to downright neofascists on the republican side. While the private and public sectors can be a useful tool to determine how left and right a country is, its not THE factor.

There is pretty much no real left in this country. Bernie and AOC are social democrats who want to enact reforms on capitalism while maintaining it as a system.

Please read up on these terms and you will see what they actually mean. For example, did you know that Communism means; "A stateless, classless, moneyless, society. This is final stage of human social development. It is a society that has eliminated class conflict through socialism and reached a stage of productivity that allow humans to live without the need of classes, a state, or currency. There will be so much to share that all people will be able to have all their material wants and needs met."

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Reply by CupidRuben


Me after the shock therapy there’s nothing wrong with communism/socialism ur just so brainwashed u wanna keep the poor poorer and the rich richer and there’s literally no rise in communism there’s a huge rise is neo natzi’s and a bunch of white racist lgbtq+ terrified white ppl hellbent on another Hitler however. Ur def somewhere in delululand where u think communism/socialism is bad clearly u never took history in school

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Reply by CupidRuben


Me after the shock therapy there’s nothing wrong with communism/socialism ur just so brainwashed u wanna keep the poor poorer and the rich richer and there’s literally no rise in communism there’s a huge rise is neo natzi’s and a bunch of white racist lgbtq+ terrified white ppl hellbent on another Hitler however. Ur def somewhere in delululand where u think communism/socialism is bad clearly u never took history in school

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Reply by caweyka


it's about time americans had some socialism in their lives

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Reply by syrup


Thats wishful thinking, communism will never come in our lifetime, too much anti communist propaganda that people eat up :/

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Reply by Tannaki


Reply by Hyan


first, let me say that this thread has been going for two years, and I figured it was high time to interject, and dispel any notion that this country will, either in the immediate or close future —embrace "communism" of any sort.

having done a lot more research and soul-searching than the original poster, who, by the way, fucked off two years ago (ostensibly not right-wing enough for their taste), I can definitively say that there might be some validity to the claims, but they do not lead in the direction they think.

yes. it's in the interest of the Establishment to never address the serious, chronic failures of capitalism, because it would hurt their image and their bottom line at present. the country right now operates half-assedly on consumerism and a marked disdain for minorities which has only but increased in the last six years. 

but that goes for all states. oh, yes, rightwingers, even the self-professed "communist" states. did you think that because they declared themselves communists, that capitalism wouldn't seep back in to take control? the naivete. that's like believing the often-touted lie that "national socialists were socialists! it's in the name!" you probably believe the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic, if that's the group you wanna roll with. more on that later.

none of us gets to choose the economic system we abide in. it is, 99,999 times out of a hundred thousand, "work or die". capitalism has zero moral compunctions, zero feelings about what you or anyone else thinks is moral or right or dignified. it doesn't care, and capitalists themselves generally don't care. the profit motive in itself is amoral. if you do not provide profit, essentially, you are pointless. 

the original poster likely lives in a country that jails and imprisons the most people. and it's the truth. most of them are black people. their status has become such, that they have basically reinvented the slave trade. these people in prison work for 25 cents an hour. they produce 100% of military goods. most domestic paint supplies. washers, driers, various garments. 

they do not have a choice in refusing to work. either they work or are thrown in solitary. prisons are not in the business of rehabilitation or reducing recidivism. most are private prisons. and private prisons lobby for Drug War continuation. billions to put in the hands of police and their "unions" to make sure these jackbooted thugs continue to beat minorities to death, and uphold unjust laws across the board.

the same cops who stick up for their not-so-secret klan buddies, the neo-Nazi contingents du jour, the motorcycle gangs, and whoever else they receive bribes from. police are not your friends. and they never were to begin with. cops don't care how old you are, or how young you are, they will still beat and gas and shoot you all the same. 

capitalism doesn't care who's in power. it actively seeks to commodify all aspects of your existence. some of you might be going "well the Democrats blah blah blah" and to be honest that card's been overplayed. listen. the democrats get the same money from the same sources, they just aren't actively trying to fuck us over. republicans bitch and moan and scream and shit their collective diaper when something passes that might remotely help people.

it wasn't enough to axe abortion rights, and from what I can see, they don't give a fuck about freedom in the abstract. republicans have been, since the big party shifting rightward 50 years ago, about making the poor as miserable as possible to keep the rich cushy. democrats (largely) just want something of a balance.

the Dems aren't going to take your guns because it would mean political suicide. they aren't going to open the borders freely, because it means less donor money. your children are not going to learn about fistfucking in the first grade. your children are not going to be forcibly transitioned. the republicans screaming about illegal immigration and degeneracy and whatever moral panic they're trying to foist on people demonstrate day-in and day-out that they don't give a fuck about you, and they actively show it.

they know that they are in the Big Club. they've begun to actively weaponize ignorance and stupidity and hatred in ways people 200 years ago could not even possibly conceive. and they've had the evangelicals in their pocket for a long time. some of you forgot about the Moral Majority and the PMRC and Focus on the Family. they didn't go away because democrats were elected. they just didn't have the power they do now. 

let me tie this back into the capitalism/communism socioeconomic theory range here. the forces that keep capitalism at work are unreasonable, irrational, reactionary and individualistic. the same people who yell blithe political slogans about making America great again, or anything about eliminating minorities. the OP decries "lack of morals", "uplifting of depravity" the "destruction of the family". placing them within a particular range, namely the Protestant work ethic, conservative religiosity and the appeal to a distant, idealized past that is used as propaganda for keeping things the same.

generally, republicans and rightwingers do not care about hard truth — they lean on feelings, they are feelings-based politics. they "feel" like victims. they "feel" that they are telling a truth that is not being told, but those are lies. anyone who's watched the media can plainly see that the both-sides fallacy leans quite heavily into their favour. they "feel" a lot of things but can never (and will never elaborate) what those feelings are. 

you see it now with the "woke" word. 'woke' used to mean "I am aware of the systemic injustices in this country and I want to do something about it" — now it means "I hate this thing and will boycott it because it offends me". Everything is "woke" that doesn't comport with their 'reality'. But in the same breath, they will utilize the same 'cancel culture' they accuse the left of. Only idiots try to cancel, but none of you can manage a boycott. 

another thing rightwingers complain about is 'censorship', which is really just telling on yourselves: You hate reality because it doesn't comfort you, and doesn't appeal to your feelings, and doesn't believe what or how you believe. But, I'm sorry, honey, facts don't care about your feelings, so do the boomer thing and fucking suck it up, buttercup. 

George Carlin had a very keen overview, a pastiche, of what and how these boomers think (and the boomer mentality). These are people who had a free ride during the most prosperous period in American history for 30 years, and then once they hit middle age they're staring down the barrel of it. They sold Gen X and Y up the river for easy living and luxury. They turned self-righteous and sanctimonious. All the jobs and the unions disappeared under Reagan, and now the flock's come back to roost.

...And so now, these people are bitching about Democrats being communist? What a joke. Let me know when their party symbol becomes a sickle and hammer. 

I think I'm done for now.

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Reply by Bert


In the future when boomers and all this communism is forgotten maybe it will come back

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Reply by whoops


Reply by ÀA


From someone who isn't from America and has a clear view of your messed up country: What you are saying is false. You haven't awaken from any kind of brainwash, you're stillthinking what you EXTREMELY CAPITALIST country wants you to think. You live in one of the most, if not the most capitalists countries in the world, where comunism is treated like some kind of witchcraft.

Aside from that, have you even done the slightliest research on comunism? I don't think so, because all the problems that are arising in you country can be clearly asosiated with capitalism. Your country is run by private companies. Life is not a crazy conspiracy theory.

Don't be fooled by patriotic propaganda, capitalism doesn't mean freedom. Capitalism means being controled by big companies. Capitalism means that you have to pay to live, which is completely stupid and cruel(coming from someone who lives in a country with free healthcare). Capitalism has caused more death than comunism, regardless of what you dumb propaganda tells you. Furthermore, there has never been a true comunist country. 

I'm not an expert, by any means in comunism, so if I am wrong in something feel free to correct me. 

pd: English is not my first language

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Reply by girldick


2 years of this guy getting dunked on lets keep it up 

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Reply by worm


smartest american

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Reply by Xander☭


don’t conflate communism with totalitarianism or fascism. the quote “and then they came for me, and there was nobody left to speak for me” comes from a catholic priest on nazi germany speaking against the nazis. the election wasn’t stolen, more people voted for joe biden and so he was elected (and don’t get me started on the way the electoral college works). communism does divide to a degree, it encourages class consciousness. class consciousness means being aware that some people are wealthy and others are not, and that under capitalism the poor do not have the bery right to live should they not serve the rich. all media is biased yes, some of it towards the left. but most media is centrist or to the right, in the case of fox news. just because some media doesn’t fit your echo chamber doesn’t mean it’s this radical left wing propaganda. facts and logic have a well known bias towards the left wing. i can answer any questions you like on communism, but rest assured the usa is nowhere near communism yet

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Reply by Abigail


I like how this is the first post I saw on the political topic. Incredible. 

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Damn buddy, thats an awful lotta words

"Pops perc 30 and rips bong"

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Reply by Aevisia


I see it too. Didn't realize it until 2020 hit. Lots of folks still don't see it yet. It's amazing how different people's perceptions can be.

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Reply by Asbestosstar


You are thinking of the right, not the left. The left promote freedom and equality, that is if they are actual leftists and not people pretending to be to the left to do censorship (which does exist), though the right tend to be much more of censors than the left,Also keep in mind that liberals are not leftists in the same way Anarchists or Marxists are.

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Reply by mystical illusions


your right but so much is being done behind the seen ... so we do not loose our democracy here ... 

and to many are fighting to keep it ... and votes will show that later on ... of trumpheads want to believe his b/s shit then let them ... I  do not think they do think for them selfs it all the Maga and their really living in a bubble they are the one trying to get trump back into power ... think they will be pardon what a laugh  ... there will be flipping for the honestly of what they tried to do  following with trump bobble head ... can't believe he did not pardon so many that where close to him lmao

they will flip soon ... they know he was wrong ...."

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Reply by dreamspider


Oh yeah this country isn't what the founding fathers intended. The founding fathers thought this should be the land of the FREE- if you're a rich, white, anglican, cishet, landowning man, that is. They wanted people in this country to have control over their lives- except for their slaves, and the native people they regularly slaughtered, and the women they were financially, sexually, and physically allowed to abuse according to law. Wake the fuck up, this has never been the land of the free. Come to the dark side, grab a bomb, become an anarchosocialist, love thy neighbor, hate thy politician

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Reply by Eros


op fell for right wing propaganda 

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Reply by Eros


op fell for right wing propaganda 

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Reply by Thomas_Nuke


Authoritarian socialism:

Authoritarian socialism, or socialism from above,[1] is an economic and political system supporting some form of socialist economics while rejecting political pluralism. As a term, it represents a set of economic-political systems describing themselves as socialist and rejecting the liberal-democratic concepts of multi-party politicsfreedom of assemblyhabeas corpus and freedom of expression, either due to fear of the counter-revolution or as a means to socialist ends. Several countries, most notably the Soviet UnionChina and their allies, have been described by journalists and scholars as authoritarian socialist states.

If you remember the Twitter files, proving the FBI conspired with big tech companies to limit the free speech of the people for political ends.

If you remember the current ongoing battle to have the front runner of the opposition party jailed and taken off the ballot.

If you remember the government lock downs of 2020, and the recent release of information proving that by summer 2020 the government knew that covid wasn't nearly as deadly as they led us to believe, and all the lockdown laws that prevented people from coming together, unless that coming together was to riot.

And God help you if you confront anybody about their beliefs about climate, racism, sexuality, or even this topic, your meat with violent threats, not debate.

The decent began a while ago, and theres a huge population that doesn't have the slightest idea how brainwashed they are.

Don't call me right wing, I know you were going to. That's the problem.

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Reply by jamie


I wish the USA was "descending" into Communism. If you would take the time to learn what Communism stands for instead of existing within bourgeois electoral politics, you'd realize that what the USA needs is a clandestine social revolution with the militarized party of Lenin at the helm

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Reply by Anita-235


There is no left or right in authoritarianism, there's only the power hungry politicians controlling every single aspect of our lives

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Reply by mystical illusions


just wrote a whole bunch of writing so will keep this short should have copies i know better lol no dictators or communist or insurrectionist ... democracy all the way past 2024 <3  an people don;t think about ... dictators they do not like guns in their country just for their army's...  so  oh the dems are going to take them away ur guns  no but a dictator with no democracy will... keep up the good work ... thanks for ur post ...  

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Reply by wermelin


everything bad communism ☝️

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Reply by Don


Be a communist if want just dont influence politicians to make laws. 

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Reply by indigo


I don't think being more leftist means depending more on the government and having less freedom, in fact about that freedom part I think quite the opposite, over here in the Netherlands we have Theirry Baudet, a right-wing politician who is now prime minister. His plans include(d) banning the Qu'ran and mosques, and providing less aid including necessities to immigrants and while he has no political plans against it, he's very open about being against multiculturalism. (he's basically a fascist) He's also against gender equality and Femenism. In conclusion, he's got many opinions and plans for the country that are against freedom.  

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Reply by kay poggers


i think communists and anarchists should go hand in hand, like, bro,our problem is with the State and Capitalism, on this side, we want the same thing, our only difference is how we will achieve each ideal

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Reply by aries


getting the feeling a large amount of people here don't know what communism actually is

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Reply by sam_nella


god i wish lol

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Reply by MwilkandCwookies


I wuv communism 030

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